Wednesday, May 15, 2019


You remember how I said I had a half day vacation today, and that I had a whole list of things I wanted to get done?  Yeah, as I was leaving work, I told my coworker, "I'm going to go sit in front of the TV and tell myself all the things I need to be doing." 

And that's pretty much what I did.  Oh, I got a few things done from my list.  I weeded my front flower bed, and dug the mud out of my water meter.  I usually have to do that around the end of the rainy season.  Last year, my neighbor said, "Why you doing that?  They don't even read those meters any more.  It's all electronic now."  I said, "Don't you ever have to shut off your water?  What if you bust a pipe?  I want to be able to get to my shut off valve if I need to."  He looked at me like I'd totally lost my mind.  More power to him, is all I have to say. 

Once I'd gotten those few things done, I spent most of the afternoon trying to figure out decreases for this hat, and they're giving me fits.

I'm trying to keep the pattern going as long as I can, but it's just not working.  I knit a hat in this pattern about 3 years ago, and liked the way the decreases turned out, but now for the life of me, I can't remember how I did them. 

You know what else is giving me fits?  My guitar.  I'm watching those videos on YouTube, and they make it look so easy.  I think my fingers are too short or something, because I can NOT make those chords.  Then there is the A chord, where you have to cram three fingers into one single fret.  It's easy to get frustrated and want to quit, and I'm almost at that point.  I was practicing today, and I said, "Hmmm, maybe I'll just go ahead and save up for that piano after all." 

But, I remembered I had a folding chair out in the shed, so I cleaned it up and brought it inside.  Now, at least I don't have to sit on the floor to play. 

While I was out in the shed, I dragged my ladder inside and pulled the cover off my kitchen light  the one that won't light any more. 

Those bulbs haven't been changed since I moved into this house, and it was one of the things I'd planned on doing today, but in the end, I didn't do anything that required me to go into town.  I decided all that stuff can wait until Friday, so I only have to make one trip. 

Going into town is not exactly on my list of favorite things to do, you know.

Well, I have to go back to work tomorrow.  I know my group leader will be glad.  When I told her I had a half day off, she said, "I'm going to cry." 

Wow, I feel so special. 

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