Tuesday, October 02, 2007


Last year, we had a hummingbird named Keith. This year we have a big, giant spider making his home right outside our back door. Cody has named him Jeff.

Mama don't do spiders. You have no idea the nerve it took me to even get this picture, much less edit and upload it. My skin is crawling just typing so closely to the picture.

Last Friday, I had to retrieve Cody's brand new football from the clutches of the big , giant spider named Jeff.

A mother's love knows no bounds. Not even big, giant spiders.

Just to leave you on a less creepy note, this is what I saw when I looked up from the big, giant spider named Jeff:


Sus said...

I bet you're really pining for Keith about now, huh? The sky is so beautiful -- I'm glad you caught that pic!

Robin said...

Eeewwwwww!!! Now I'm going to have nightmares! I don't do spiders either...YUCK!
I guess it would help if we would consider them "weavers" but darn do they have to look so creepy/scary?

Bag Blog said...

I don't do spiders either, but I have had a few of those big ones, like your picture, around my house too. Yuck!

Buck said...

Hmmm. Why am I thinking of this song? It seems like there's some sort of MAJOR disconnect here!


Silverstar said...

Yikes! Spiders freak me out. (Except for domesticated pink toe tarantulas, their cute). Funny how things in our world takes so many different forms, however, from "creepy" spider to beautiful pink clouds.

Becky G said...

Sus, yes, I do miss Keith. We had hummingbirds this year, but not as many as last year. We have had some absolutely gorgeous sunsets and sunrises lately. The sunrise this morning was breathtaking, but unfortunately I didn't have my camera.

Robin, weavers or spinners, they still have too many legs.

Lou, we've always called these spiders banana spiders, though I don't know why. We have them in abundance, too, especially where I grew up.

Buck, I've never heard that song before, and I'm pleading ignorance of what you mean by major disconnect. Insert large smiley face here.

Silverstar, I don't do domestic tarantulas either. A few years ago, we had a wild spider build a web by my cousin's porch and it was kind of a black and yellow mottled. I'd never seen one like it. It really was pretty, in a creepy sort of way.

Buck said...

...what you mean by major disconnect.

Major disconnect, explained: How is it that a woman who keeps and loves snakes has issues with spiders? Apples and oranges, I know. Yet still...

(BTW: TSMP had this "thing" for spiders and would marvel over the elaborate webs they build. You simply didn't kill the things around her...ever. Black Widows being the sole exception.)

Becky G said...

Ahhh, thanks for explaining. I blame lack of sleep for that.

I don't know what it is about spiders. They've given me the creeps for as long as I can remember. I used to have a full blown phobia about them. When I was in first or second grade, one of my take home reading projects was an article about spiders. With pictures. My mom had to write a note to my teacher telling her that I couldn't read that assignment because of my extreme fear of them.

I have had terrible nightmares about spiders my whole life. Usually they involved millions of the little creepers jumping all over me. Just last week I had a dream that a bright orange, gargantuan tarantula had gotten into Sunny's tank and was eating my snake. Terrified, yes, but I had to rescue my baby. I actually reached in and slapped the spider so I could get my snake out.

I think it is all the legs. Snakes don't have any. Spiders have too many. I dunno. At least I am no longer so afriad that I can't function. I just can't stand the thought of them on me.