Friday, October 26, 2007

Karate Update

Tuesday night was rank test night for the adult class at Isshinryu Karate USA. Ten students tested for ranks ranging all the way from ku-kyu (one green stripe) to Ik-kyu (first grade brown). Everyone did very well, and showed great spirit and determination. It was a very impressive test.

It was an exciting night for me as well because, though I've helped with rank testing ever since I was a purple belt, this was the first test in which I was responsible for specific students. When I got there, sensei handed me a clipboard with evaluation sheets for three students on it, and said, "These are yours." So, even though sensei ran the test, I was the one testing them.

Thursday night was promotion night. The following students were promoted:

Eric--one green stripe
Carlissa--two green stripes
Dallas--two green stripes
Tom--third brown
Twinkie--second brown

and last but certainly not least

Cody--first brown

Yep, that's right, our own dear Cody is now an ik-kyu! Next step is junior shodan. That will be sometime next year, probably April or May.

Promoting so many students took nearly half the class, so we finished off by doing some isometric kicks (that's a fancy way of saying slow motion kicks) and some speed and balance drills.

Today's Pic: The adult class of Isshinryu Karate USA. I obviously didn't take this picture, since I am in it. Pictured are (front row) Mrs. W, me, sensei, Joshua. (second row) Collin, Chad, Cody, Lawrence, Eric, Carlissa, Dallas. (third row) Brian, I Don't Know, Twinkie, Brian, Tom, John

P.S. Mr. T is back in the hospital. His chronic illness is acting up, and he may need surgery. I don't know much more.


frotoe said...

Thats great!! Congrats to Cody-I have a question, does the black gi represent anything different than the white gi? or is it just personal preference?

Buck said...

Nice photo! (could be just a lil bit bigger, tho.)

Becky G said...

Thank you frotoe. To answer your question, in our association the black gi may be worn after one reaches the rank of san-kyu, or third degree brown belt. Once you reach that rank, it is personal preference. Cody likes his because it makes him stand out. I like them because they are easier to keep clean.

Becky G said...

Buck, your wish is my command. The picture has been em-biggened.