Friday, September 22, 2006


does not like the new house. She has been staying in the old house, and last night, she jumped out the window. When I let Katie out this morning, Squeaky followed her back inside--to the new house. As soon as she got inside, she stopped and looked around like, "wait a minute, this isn't my house!" Boy did she set up a squall! Even after I picked her up and comforted her a bit, she was still yowling, so I finally let her back outside. Once I finished dressing, I let her back into the old house, and you could almost hear her say, "ahhhh..."

Not much to talk about today. The old wisdom tooth is flaring up, so I'm going to take a pretty good sized pain killer and go to bed. Good thing I already have a dentist appointment in two weeks, or I'd have to schedule one.


Buck said...

So...what are ya gonna do when the old house is gone, Becky? Could be a problem!

Lizzie Woolley said...

Who is Squeaky? Why haven't you had your wisdom teeth pulled out if they are causing you problems? I had mine pulled out last summer.

Becky G said...

Buck, I don't know what I'll do. She'll just have to adjust. I'm going to try to start bringing her over for a few minutes each day so maybe she'll get used to the new house. Katie took to it right away, but then, she just goes wherever we go.

Lizzie, Squeaky is my cat, and she is very shy. She doesn't like anything unfamiliar. My friend came for a visit in July, and Squeaky stayed under my bed the whole three days.

As for my wisdom tooth (I only have one), until very recently, it hasn't bothered me enough for me to feel the need to have it out. It's just been the last two months or so that it is really been acting up. I'm going to talk with my dentist about having it out, but then I have to worry about coming up with the money to pay for it (insurance doesn't cover ALL the bills), plus deciding if I can afford to miss a day or two of work--without pay.

Ah, to be young again and not have to worry about these kinds of responsibilites...

Lizzie Woolley said...

How come you have one wisdom tooth?

Becky G said...

How come you have one wisdom tooth?

I was born that way. ;)

Seriously, only one ever came in.