Sunday, September 03, 2006

The Challenge

I've decided to join Black Belt Mama's challenge. Here is what I am going to do--

1. Create a personal fitness goal: Mine is to do my pushups and crunches at least three days a week. I already do this at irregular intervals, but I am going to work at being more consistent. The eventual goal is 5 days a week. My second goal is to do at least one kata per day--more is better, but one is the minimum.

2. Create a plan: My plan is to begin getting up 15 minutes early to meet my fitness goal. Also, I plan to do pushups, crunches and a kata sometime between getting home from work and going to bed. I may have to spend 15 minutes a day less on the computer to do this, but that is a sacrifice I will try to make.

3. Write about it: I've done that here. I'll also update every so often. To keep my blog from sounding like a daily ship's log, I'll limit my entries to confessing when I don't meet my goals.

4. Get the code: Put the button on my blog--I'll have it in my sidebar--and e-mail BBM that I have joined the challenge. I'm sure this is not limited to karate students only. Anyone wanting to improve their fitness would be encouraged to join the challenge.

Now, to go do a kata....

P.S. When the new house gets here--day after tomorrow--I'll have so much more room to work out in! But I've also made a rule: NO WEAPONS PRACTICE IN THE HOUSE!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Awesome! You're in. I'm adding you to the BBM Challenge Blogroll and sent you the email you need to put it on your blog.

I think you have fabulous goals! And you're right, anyone can join. Just got done with my first sparring match with Mr. BBM. Fun, fun!