"If I wasn't married, I'd still be living with my parents."
His mother Misty was in labor for 36 hours, and when John, Jr was born, he had some breathing problems. He was on oxygen for a while, but is now off and breathing well on his own.
This is John, Jr. with his dad, John, Sr., his great-grandfather Curtis, and his grandmother Judy. Not pictured is great-grandmother Martha, who is my late father's oldest sister.
Harbingers of fall are all over the yard and fields.
These are spider lilies, that I always want to call tiger lilies, though I don't know why. This is a tiger lily:
Hurricane Florence
Hurricane Gordon
And Hurricane Helene
You can see from this side view how far off they were. You can also see where they left my steps.
J said he'd called them and told them to send someone out to jack up the trailer a bit so he could move that conduit back under the house. Then we'd get a couple of 90' couplings and snake the wire over to where it needed to be.
I said, "No, they're going to move it to where I want it or they're going to move it off my land and give me my money back. "
So I called the owner and he tried to tell me that he'd put the front corners of my house right were he had put those stakes when he came out Saturday (he didn't). I told him that maybe he should have used a tape measure instead of just pacing it off. Then he told me that the back corner was right where the stake J had put down was (it wasn't). I told him it wasn't and he said, "well we had to pull up the stake to put the house in." I replied, "I know that, but I also know where I'd put the stake in the first place, and the back corner of my house was nowhere near that." Then he started talking to me like I was a real idiot and didn't know what I was talking about (men--especially automobile mechanics--often try that with women), so I just handed the phone to J and he lit into him.
The owner told J that the house was going to stay where they'd put it, and he told them they had two choices. They could move it to where it was supposed to be or they could move it off his land and I would buy a home from someone who is reputable. He got really helpful then. He said he'd move it, but it'd be next week before they could get to it. J told him, "You'd better be here bright and early Monday morning." About 30 minutes later, the salesman called back and said they were hiring an extra crew and would be here to move it tomorrow. They'd better be because I'm calling in sick this time to make sure they get it right.
That's another point...the owner tried to play it off like the whole thing was my fault for not being there. But (1) I had told him last week that I wouldn't be able to be there and he said it was OK and (2) if they had showed up when they said they would, somebody would have been here. B and J waited around for them until after 11 yesterday, but they never showed. Not a phone call...nothing.
After getting off the phone, I went back out and measured with a tape measure and replaced the stake where it was in the beginning. Refer back to the first photo... Stakes aside, they were supposed to put the house where the electrical conduit was to run. Refer to the second and third photo. What were they thinking? Any idiot ought to be able to see that it wouldn't work like that.
I'll tell you one thing, I'll never do business with them again.
It actually took all three of us to get that wire through there, but I couldn't get a picture of myself. Meanwhile, Squeaky watched with interest, but decided her help wasn't needed.
It has been such a pleasant day I've had my windows open all day. There has been a nice breeze that has kept the house cool despite the temperature. I haven't gotten much done today. I've been working on cleaning out the bathroom and knitted a little bit more on my scarf. I found a pattern in an old issue of Creative Knitting magazine, but I can't make it work out right. I checked the website for corrections, but there weren't any. I guess I'll have to adapt it myself.
Our spirits were a bit dampened though as we learned of the death of one of our favorite TV personalities, Steve Irwin aka The Crocodile Hunter. It's one of those things you don't want to believe--that maybe there was some mistake and it isn't real. But, no, it's like a bad dream you can't wake up from.
When you put our two maps together, it looks like this:
create your own visited states map
or check out these Google Hacks.
Pretty impressive, though I hope to one day be able to visit all 50 states. My aunt and uncle have done it, and it's quite an accomplishment.
We've finally gotten a break from the relentless heat. The highs have been in the upper 80s and low 90s, and breezy. It almost felt like fall was in the air.
The owner of the trailer place came out this evening and looked over the trailer site. Everything is all set for them to bring it out Tuesday. He marked where the front corners should be, and said there shouldn't be any problem getting it in. Then will come the hard part--moving! I have a little bit of a time constraint, since J doesn't want it sitting there too long, but at the same time, I don't want to take anything into my new house that I don't want to keep. I have a really hard time throwing perfectly good stuff away. I want to have a moving sale, but I can't imagine when I would have time to hold one. Becky T has offered to help me move because I let J dig a trench for her and didn't charge her anything. I figure it would have cost me the same amount of money to dig one trench as 20, so might as well get good use of the ditch witch while we had it. And I know their money is tight. Anyway, I may see if she will help me organize and hold a moving sale for a percentage of the profits.
Two more days...Woo Hoo!