Friday, December 09, 2005

Bowls and Candles

While trying to keep up with my daily sketches, I sometimes get desperate for ideas of what to draw. I found this wooden bowl on a website, and loved the shape. Naturally I had to draw it.

Back to getting ideas, it usually takes longer to decide what to draw than to actually sketch it. Perhaps I should try a random word generator or something.

This has been a really rough week for me. The highlight of the week was drawing this little candle in the margin of my paperwork that I'm supposed to turn in at work. He he. This one has a corner torn off of it. The week was so rough, I turned my form over and drew a heart, a bell, a mug, and a rock on the back. Unfortunately, those got turned in with the paperwork. Maybe the office personnel will enjoy them for a moment before filing the paperwork. I hope next week will be better.

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