Monday, March 11, 2024

Time Change

I swan, it gets harder and harder every year to get adjusted to this time change, especially the spring forward one.  This morning when that alarm went off at 3:30 AM, my body shrieked, "What are you doing getting up at 2:30 in the blessed ay em for?????", and I had to explain once again about DST and all that mess.  

Then I get to work, and you know how I say the nice thing about working Saturdays is that we don't have to listen to that music and neither of my Stalkers works weekends --  usually?  Yeah, they were all back today.  Both the music and the Stalkers...

To be fair, one of my stalkers has backed off quite a bit.  After my coworker told me his behavior towards me was scary to her, I guess my sheepdog mode kicked in, and I began staring him down with a give me an excuse look on my face.  Add a couple of well timed hammer blows to my parts, and he figured out he might just want to leave me alone. 

And that, folks, is how you end harassment in the workplace.  

Speaking of work, I have to laugh at them, because they're getting desperate for employees, only nobody wants to work there any more.  They tried to recall the people they'd laid off last year, and very few of them came back.  Now they're holding job fairs and they've even got a sign in front of the plant that says, "Interview Now".   

I guess they're desperate enough to try anything -- except, of course, make it a decent place to work, that is.   Oh, but wait!  They're playing music in the mornings!  That should solve all their problems, shouldn't it?

OK, moving right along...I should probably mention that I finished reading A Midsummer Night's Dream, and found a version of it on YouTube to watch.  I decided to take a break from Shakespeare and read a bit on a series I bought years ago called Variant.  It's a seven book series that I nabbed for $0.99, and I can see why.  This is the third time I've tried to read it, and I haven't even made it through the first book.  I can't see me reading all seven.  It just isn't holding my interest. 

The story centers around a girl named Paige, who is descended from a group of people who had had genetic experiments run on them to give them superpowers.  There was a war and most of the Variants were killed off.  They ones remaining live in hiding, in fear that they will be discovered and executed.  One day, Paige is found and recruited by a man named Ford, who is a member of the Variant Liberation Army.  The set her up in a safe house, and give her a task...which I won't go too much into here.  

Well, Paige has a coworker named Becca, to whom she blabs all this supersecret information, even taking her to the safe house.  As a veteran of the United States Navy who once held a Top Secret security clearance, this makes every Spidey sense in me not just tingle, but shriek at the top of their little Spidey lungs.   I'll lay odds that Becca ends up being a spy or something. 

That's as far as I've gotten in that series, and right now, I'm taking a break to re-read Call Of The Wild, by Jack London.  It was a favorite as a kid, but it's been ages since I've read it.  

Speaking of breaks, I'm taking a bit of a break from hat knitting to add a few more rows to this scarf.

And finally, I said I wasn't going to bombard you droning on and on about my sunflowers, and judging by the drop in blog hits, you aren't that interested in them anyway.  But I managed to get them outside after work from some direct sunlight. 

We'll have a couple more days of partly cloudy weather before the next round of rain moves in next weekend.  

The good news is, one more of my Cosmos broke the surface.  The bad news is, one of my two little bluebonnets died.  

I guess that's it for today.  Now I need to go get something to eat, then head for bed.  

G'night, all. 

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