Saturday, March 09, 2024

Safety Man

So, the safety man came out to look at our floor mats today, and we were talking about how old ours were.  I told him, "It's been so long, I don't even remember the last time we got new ones."  He looked at the mats and said, "Yeah, we don't even buy that kind any more."  

I guess it's been a while, huh?  

The bad news is, the people on the lines say the new kind they get don't have any cushion in them, either, so what's even the point?  It almost makes me wish I hadn't said anything. 

OK, moving right along, I finally finished that hat I've been working on for so long.  

The colors kind of pooled when I started the crown decreases, but overall I like the way it turned out.  So much so, I bought another skein of that yarn yesterday.  

In other news, I got two more of my sunflowers put into pots this afternoon. 

I'd almost waited too long to move these, I think, but they seem to be recovering nicely.  Hopefully the sun will come out tomorrow as promised and they'll get some photosynthesis going.  Maybe that'll perk them all up a bit. 

Now my little greenhouse is almost empty.  

I have one more sunflower that just broke the surface yesterday, three somewhat sad looking cosmos, and two bluebonnets that seem to be on their last legs.  Apparently there's more to that knack of seed starting than just a heat mat and grow light.  I'll keep trying for a little while, but I'm starting to get discouraged again.  

Finally, a bit of color.  My Whatever Cactus is blooming again. 

 That's it for today.  I know this is short, but I am tired. 

Good night, all. 

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