Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Another One

Well, I finally finished the hat I cast on Sunday.  Or was it Saturday?  I don't even remember any more.  

This one pooled in kind of a weird way, but I like it.  Even when I joined a new skein, everything lined up the same way.  Pretty cool, huh?  

What else is pretty cool, I got a new catalog today, again from Harris.    

Still no sign of any of the others I ordered, though.  Not sure why I ordered so many.  I've got plenty of flowers growing in my yard.  Some people call them weeds, but in the words of A.A. Milne, weeds are flowers, too, once you get to know them. 

I was very lucky this afternoon and managed to catch a somewhat bedraggled Tiger Swallowtail on my purple deadnettle. 

I haven't seen any hummingbirds yet, but it's obvious they've found the feeder.  

We have the weekend off, so I'll try to keep watch and see if I can see some. 

Last night, it was predicted to get down into the low 40s, so  I brought everything inside, just to be on the safe side, and covered what couldn't be brought in.  This morning, I put everything back out.  Tonight they're predicting the same, so I'll have to do that song and dance again. 

In other news, we have two new-ish sub brazers in the department.  They told me one of them used to braze on second shift, and I believe it.  Today, I saw her skip several small orders and pick a big order, because that's how they did it on second shift. They'd skip around in the schedule and pick out all the big orders of easy work, so they could get their numbers up and look like they were outbrazing us.  But guess what?  Those 4, 8, and 12 piece orders need to be done, too.  We'd come in in the morning, and nothing the line needed would be ready, and we'd have to scramble all day to try to keep the lines running.  

Anyway, that's what this girl did.  She walked past several small orders and picked a big order of easy parts.  Only this time, one of the parts stagers saw her, and made her go back and get the small orders.  Heh, she was not happy, but she did it.  

We had to go through this with Demi-god, too, when he first got up there. 

I'm told she did the same thing yesterday.  She got caught, then, too.  She'll have to figure out things are different on Day shift.  They can't get away with all the stuff they did on second shift. 

Reminds me of a time several years ago, when one of the front office people kept trying to write up a brazer for something she wasn't doing.  She kept telling him it was the girl on second shift, but he wasn't budging until I called him over and told him the thing he was fussing about was like that when we get here.  The day shift brazer isn't doing it.  He said -- I kid you not -- "Oh, that's OK then." 

Seriously, dude?  You're going to stand there and tell me it's OK for a second shift person do to what you're just trying to write one of us up?  

But that's how it is out there.  Second shift can do no wrong.  Day shift can do no right. 

What made matters worse is that the second shift person kept doing it, and every day, the first shift brazer had to come in and un-do it, or she'd get written up.  

And yet, they can't figure out why their turnover rate is so high. 

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