Sunday, March 10, 2024


What is that great light in the sky?  Why, it is the sun!!

I'd almost forgotten what it looked like it's been so long.  For the first time, I was able to put my little sunflowers outside actually in the sunlight.  I'd initially started putting them into the back yard under the cloches I'd bought for just such a thing, 

but I quickly changed my mind when I realized my back yard doesn't get nearly as much morning sun ad I'd thought.  Instead, I put them onto a tray and moved them to my front porch, where they got plenty of the mild morning sun. 

I was tempted to leave them out all day, but didn't want to overdo it what with it being their first time exposed to full sun, so after four hours, I moved them to the back porch for the rest of the day.  Tomorrow after work, I'll put them back out for a few hours -- hopefully before the clouds move back in for who knows how long. 

Now for the bad news.  I did a little research and deer love eat sunflowers.  That means I can't plant them out by the back fence like I'd originally hoped to.  Oh, I could have and put some repellent in my back yard, but I don't want to chase them completely off, so it's on to plan B.  I think I'll plant them in the front yard and once they've outgrown the cloches, I'll spread some Repels All around the yard.  

Full disclosure, I wouldn't have chosen sunflowers myself; they were in the wedding favors my nephew and his bride were passing out.  I kind of feel --not so much obligated -- I don't know the right word, but I really want them to thrive and prosper.  It'll kind of make me feel closer to family, you know. 

In knitting news, hat #2 is coming right along. 

While I was knitting, I watched the Call Of The Wild movie with Harrison Ford and a bunch of CGI dogs.  To put it into the vernacular of our British allies, it was bloody awful.  I mean, I'd heard it wasn't that good, but I had no idea it would be that bad.  

I mean, I know we've become a nation that worships dogs, but the level of anthromorphism in this film is...well, it's worse than a Disney movie.   It's just not realistic...and yes, I know it's not supposed to be realistic, but seriously...a dog doesn't have the cognitive capability to, say, know what whiskey even is, much less that the man shouldn't be drinking it to excess like that.  

This movie was so bad, I had to download the book to my Kindle get the taste of it out of my brain.  

If you want to watch a movie version, just stick with the 1972 version with Charlton Heston.  It's so much better. 

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