Friday, March 15, 2024

Ooo Dah Lolly

Ooo dah lolly, golly what a day!  

It started last night when the storms rolled in, and I was so tired I slept through them.  Apparently, they were pretty bad, because they knocked the radio station off the air.  Good thing I set myself a back-up alarm on my phone, or I might have been late to work. 

It's happened before.  Heh, one time Cody woke me up knocking on my door and asking, "Mom?  Are you going to work today?" and it was like 6:30.  That was back when shift started at 7:00.  That was the fastest I ever got ready, but I made it almost on time.  I think I was like, two minutes late, but that's what made me start setting a second alarm on my phone.  You don't ever know around here when the radio station will go down. 

Speaking of work, those of you who've read my blog for any length of time know how messed up things are out there.  But every so often, they find something that works.  And do you know what they do when that happens?  

They blow it up. 

For years -- literally years -- each brazer has been assigned a number that we write on the headers we braze.  That way, if there is a problem with the assemblies, or if there are leaks, they can easily identify who brazed it.  We all know each other's numbers, so we know at a glance who brazed what.  

It's a system we've had in place ever since they move the brazers off the lines back in 2018, and it's a system that works.  I guess that's why they want to destroy it. Today, Cuz told us instead of writing our brazer number on our headers, we're to write the number of whichever brazing stand we're working on onto the headers, so if there's a problem they'll know where it's coming from.  

"But why can't you do that with our brazer numbers?" we argued.  "If you see my number on the header, you know I'm the one who brazed it."   "If you can't trust the test tank operator to enter a 3 correctly, what makes you think he'll put a 7 in correctly."   "What's going to happen when they open second shift back up?  How will you know if it's day shift 5 or second shift 5?  But they don't have a B on their keypads on the text tanks."  "This means that whoever brazes on station 2's leaks are going to count against the person whose brazer number is 2 in the computer." 

"Those files are all tangled up," he said -- whatever that even means, and launched into a word salad the likes of which would make any politician proud.  We tried every logical argument we could think of, but Cuz was unmoved.  Starting Monday, we'll have to write the stand number on our headers and nobody will know who brazed anything.

Ain't that just like ADP?  They refuse to fix what's actually broke, but will sit there and break what little actually works.  

As if that weren't enough, it rained all day long, and I do mean all day long.  It started during the night and didn't stop until about 5:00 PM.  It's supposed to turn cold early next week, so in anticipation, I brought some firewood inside so it would be nice and dry.  

Pay no attention to the mess on the floor.  I'll sweep it up tomorrow.  


Anyway, I'm figuring there won't be too many more cold spells this year, and I've got tons of wood left.  The guy I bought from last year definitely didn't short me when I bought a cord.  

In other news, I finished reading Call Of The Wild last night, so this evening I watched the 1972 movie with Charlton Heston on FreeVee.  It was pretty cheesy, and didn't follow the book all that well, but it was still better than the one I watched last weekend.  

Now, I'm back to reading Variant, but I'm struggling with it.  It just isn't holding my interest. I mean, it's the third time I've tried to read this book, which ought to tell you something.  I'm determined to finish the first book in the series at least, then I'm back to Shakespeare.  

And finally, I went into the garden center this afternoon and found some more of the cosmos seeds I'd planted before.  

I'm still going to wait a bit to plant them, at least until the ones that have germinated are big enough to transplant.  It has also occurred to me that I should probably research which types of flowers deer don't eat.  I bought some deer repellent, but I'm only going to use it in the front yard.  I want the deer to be able to eat the clover that grows in the back. 

Maybe this year, we won't have such a severe drought and the clover will last longer.  

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