Saturday, March 16, 2024

One Of Those Days

Today was one of those days.  One of those rare, perfect days that you wish you could bottle up and save for later -- for the days that aren't so perfect.  If you're a Ray Bradbury fan, you'd call this a day that should have been named after Robert Spaulding's wife.  

If you're not a Ray Bradbury fan, that's from a short story called A Story Of Love.  I highly recommend you look it up and read it.  

As I said, this was one of those days that should have been named after Robert Spaulding's wife, and since I didn't have to work today, I was able to enjoy every minute of it.  So were my little sunflowers, that I put out in the morning, so they could get full sun all day long.   

It was so nice, I wasn't able to stay in the house, and I got out and did a little work in the yard.  I couldn't do too much, because my yard is still soggy from the recent rains, but I raked up all the leaves that blew from my across-the-street neighbor's trees into my front ditch and added them to my compost.  

Speaking of soggy yards, I'm considering having a landscaper come out and get my drainage issues fixed.  See, what was happening is that my neighbor claimed that the ditches weren't draining, but they were.  They just weren't draining fast enough for her because apparently she wanted them to drain like a bathtub, so she'd call the county to come dig them out two to three times a year.  The only problem with that was, without the root structure from the grass holding the dirt into place, the next time it rained, half of my yard would wash down into the ditch.  

It would seem they don't teach erosion in Mississippi schools.  

Now that she is no longer with us, I think it'll be save to get my yard fixed.  Speaking of, she died a year and a half ago, and the house has been sitting empty ever since, along with her daughter's trailer house in the lot next door.  I wonder if they're ever going to do anything with it.  I hate to say it, but I'm kind of enjoying having empty houses on either side of me.  

OK, enough of that.  

My sweet mint is coming right along, 

as is my lemon thyme.  

Still no signs of life from anything else in that bed, though.  Looks like I'm going to have to decide what new things I want to plant this year.  Cody and Brennan have requested rosemary and cilantro, so I'll get some of those, and I want some more lemon balm or maybe some lemon basil if I can find it.  They said the lemon balm I gave them last year wasn't very strong, so I want to try basil to see if it's got a stronger flavor.  I really want to find some lemon verbena, but that stuff seems to be as rare as bigfoot -- unless I want to order online.  I may have to resort to that before it's all over, but I'd rather buy locally if I can.   

Ironically enough, I spent the afternoon ordering  a butt-load of seed catalogs...

I think this year, I'm going to dry and bottle some of my spearmint as well.   I would have last year, but I didn't think of it in time.

In other news, all of the daffodils I moved last year have come up, though they didn't all bloom.    

I'm not too worried about them not blooming.  They often don't the first year after they've been moved.  As long as they're putting up leaves, they're still alive and will bloom eventually.  

I still have a few more in the front yard that I need to move.  I think I'll start doing that after this next cold snap.

And finally, being as it is the beginning of hummingbird migration here, I got the old feeder filled up and put out. 

Alas, I didn't get everything on my list done.  I'd said I was going to take everything off of this shelf and move it out to the shed. 

I even bought some plastic boxes to get everything sorted and organized, but in the end, I didn't even get started. I want to eventually get another storage cabinet to put into that spot, but one more aesthetically pleasing than this shelf -- which I bought for the shed in the first place. Which I'm thinking that I need to get completely torn down and rebuilt smaller, and more towards the back of the yard.  After I get my fences replaced, that is.  

I'll need a lot more overtime before I can afford all that, though.  But it's all on the list. 

And one more thing before I go...Do not for one second underestimate those little things called commas:

If you aren't a football fan, you'll need the back story.  After the Cowboys got completely and utterly humiliated in the playoffs this year, Jerry Jones stated that he would be going "all in" to build a winning team next season. 

So far, all he's done is let a lot of good players walk -- including Michael Gallup.  You know, the one he cut Amari Cooper to re-sign...yeah...

After the team's complete and utter lethargy during free agency, the phrase "all in" has become somewhat of a joke, even amongst Cowboys fans.  One day, sports reporter Skip Bayless had had enough and tweeted the above.  Thank goodness for commas or that comment would have had a completely different meaning.

Oh, and yes, it's a real tweet.  I checked. 

Now, if you'll excuse me, I found an old favorite TV show on Prime and I'm going to binge the patootie out of it. 

The Pretender, if you're wondering.

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