Tuesday, June 03, 2008

I Watched Hockey

...but only a little.

The only TV show I like is House. It airs on Monday nights, so naturally I watched it last night, even though it was re-runs. After it was over, I flipped over to the hockey game to see what the score was.

"You're gonna watch hockey?" Cody asked, incredulously.

"I'm gonna go to bed," I replied. "I just wanna see what the score is. This is the hockey championship, you know. Oh no, the red guys are losing."

The score was white guys 2, red guys 1 and it was right at the beginning of the third quarter.

"You like the red guys?"

"No, but my friend likes the red guys, so I'm going to cheer for them," I answered.

"Oh, then I'll cheer for the red guys, too. COME ON RED GUYS!", called Cody.

I started cleaning up my kitchen a bit, but was still able to see the TV. I saw the red guys tie the game, but since 5 AM waits for no red guy, I went to bed right after that.

Around midnight, I woke up. I looked at the clock and thought, "That game is over now," but I didn't get up to see who had won. "They can wait until morning", I thought.

When I finally got up, I did check the score and found out that the red guys had lost to the white guys in triple overtime. Triple overtime!!!!

I guess it's a good thing I went to bed. I've had enough triple overtime for a while.

Cody woke up while I was getting ready to go to work. I told him the red guys lost.

"I know," he said. "I watched it."

"The whole game?" I asked.

"The whole game," he replied.

"Triple overtime and all?" I asked.

"Yep," he said. "And I've learned something about hockey. It's like basketball. It's dumb."

"I won't tell my friend you said that. At least not while he is within arm's reach of you."

Sorry, Buck. Not a hockey fan in the making here.


Knit and fall back in it said...

I don't think hockey or basketball is dumb, but I can NOT stand to watch basketball. All those sqeaking shoes drive me nuts...it's a short trip, I'll admit, but I can't stand to listen to it.

George Carlin claims that hockey is not a sport at all. His theory is that it is instead a combination of three activities, skating, playing with the puck, and beating the sh*t out of each other. He has a little bit of a point.

Inquiries said...

Oh knit and fall back in it the squeeking shoes drive me crazy too!

Opal said...

I think I've become converted to hockey. My friends husband is a fan and he got me watching. *cough* GO PENS! *cough*

Buck said...

Aiiieee. OK, I'm emotionally invested...heavily. And I'm a long-time Wings fan, as you know. But I'm just amazed at how a bright young man like Cody can make that sort of statement after watching one of the BEST games in years, if not ever. But then again, if you don't know much about the game you can't appreciate its finer points.

Hockey is probably like single-malt scotch: an acquired taste.

Becky G said...

I don't mind the squeaky shoes. I just don't watch much basketball. I don't watch much sports other than football, anyway.

Opal, so sorry...

Buck, Cody IS bright. He got hockey pegged pretty quickly. I did not influence him in that decision either. Congratulations on the red guys winning the thingy.

Lizzie Woolley said...

Ha,ha, ha, ha. I totally agree. I watched one live game and want to keep it that way. It got boring. Probably, it would have been more interested in it if I'd known the rules. I'd much rather watch football or basketball.

Buck said...

Buck, Cody IS bright. He got hockey pegged pretty quickly.

Well, I'll leave THAT one lie right where it is, without comment. Friendship is bigger than sports affiliations.

But you KNOW what I'm thinking. ;-)

Margaret said...

Not a hockey fan either, though I'll generally watch the playoffs. Since I moved to Canada I've tried to develop a taste for it, but it's really just too brutal a sport (I agree with George Carlin!). I DO watch soccer though, which I just love, probably because that's what my husband plays!

Becky G said...

Buck, I agree!

Margaret, I take it you don't watch football either. I've never developed the taste for hockey, but I could watch football all day long.