Thursday, June 26, 2008


The Supreme Court finally gets one right. It's refreshing--not to mention surprising--to see them actually UPHOLD our Consititutional rights for once.

Dissenting justice Stephen Breyer said, "The decision threatens to throw into doubt the constitutionality of gun laws throughout the United States." Let us hope so.

It's always been pretty clear to me:

The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.

What part of "shall not" do they not understand?


Inquiries said...

It's the government! They rarely take the real meaning of things. Nothing is simple in their eyes.

Buck said...

It's that "militia" thing. I'm glad the court has finally interpreted the wording to mean an individual's right to keep and bear arms. Way overdue, that one.

Becky G said...

Ashley, they do not want things to be simple. They don't want the general population to know what they are up to.

Buck, true. They were using the word militia as their excuse, conveniently hoping we would forget that the militia were the individuals. The militia were the farmer in the field who put down his plow and took up his gun to answer his country's call. The militia were the blacksmith in his shop who put down his hammer and took up his gun to answer his country's call. The militia were the doctors and the lawyers, the carpenter and the cobbler--all individuals who took up their guns--their privately owned guns and won our freedom.

It is the same today. An armed populace is the only thing that can hold the government in check. Our right to bear arms is what keeps our own government from becoming a tyranny. We are the militia.

IMVHO <---Skilz!