Being the cool mom that I am, I added to my "cool points" total by picking up these:

I'm kind of bummed because the Royal Lipizzaner Stallions were in the next town over last night. I'd seen them when I was a child, and have wanted to see them again ever since. I found out that they would be in Greenwood last night, which is only about a 30-45 minute drive away. I had so wanted to take Cody to see them, but the weather being what it was, I decided it wasn't worth the risk. Maybe next year.
Other than that, there's really not much to talk about. I've got a pretty good case of the winter blahs. It's been too chilly and damp to get out and do anything, and I don't have enough money to go shopping --other than necessities, and I can only sit and watch TV for so long before I'm getting stir crazy. Compounding the situation is the fact that this is the first weekend with no football whatsoever...
I guess I'll go watch figure skating.

You always get such cool Cowboys gear. I'm so jealous! :-D
I guess I'll go watch figure skating.
You could do MUCH better with skating of a different sort.
Six p.m., Eastern. Today.
Thanks, Opal. But I don't have any jerseys yet.
Buck, they didn't show that here. I watched Antiques Roadshow.
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