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Either blog fodder or imagination on my part is sorely lacking today. Even my knitting mojo is slack. I only got one pattern repeat completed on my sock. That's it.
But, I did get my brother and his family's Christmas presents in the mail. That counts for something, right?
You are doing great, Becky
It absolutely counts!! Your mojo just needs a nap, that's all. Everyone needs a nap sometimes.
Mmmmm... Naps... :)
It counts for a lot. I still have presents languishing in the "to be mailed" pile. *le sigh*
Could I get you to talk to SN2 about mailing stuff? ;-)
Yep...mailing the presents counts for a lot!!
Thanks, Lou. I hope you are enjoying Scotland!
Sus, mmm a nap, sounds wonderful! I wonder where I can get one of those.
Opal, I still have a box that needs to be mailed to my sister in Alaska and her family. I may need to win the lottery before I can afford to send that one! She doesn't have a street address, so I can't send it UPS, either.
Buck, does he put it off, too? I just hate going to the post office. Absolutely despise going to the post office. One year, my sister's family got their Christmas gifts the following April, just in time for Easter!
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