Thursday, September 27, 2007


I spent the majority of last night on a boat, trying to hide or otherwise escape from men with guns who wanted to shoot me. Why I don't know. I finally jumped off the back of the boat and into the water, where I was trying to hide under the water until the boat motored far enough away that I thought I could escape.

Thus I woke up more tired than I was when I went to bed, so I'm off to hit the hay.


Warning: Apparently, lack of sleep causes bad puns.


Bag Blog said...

I had a night like that a few nights ago - I was hiding from Iranian cowboys that had been leading a trail ride, but then turned and started shooting everyone. You wake up thinking where did that come from.

Buck said...

Maybe I'm blessed, because I almost never remember my dreams. Unless they wake me up, and that's so rare it's probably an annual occurrence, or less frequent, even.

Becky G said...

Lou, exactly. We are so on the same page with dreams.

Buck, you are blessed. I usually have a dream wake me up at least once a week. I do have good dreams, but I don't seem to ever remember those. It's the bad ones that stick with me.