Wednesday, January 11, 2006

A Little More This and A Little More That

I can write long, eloquent posts in my head, but as soon as I sit down at the computer my mind goes blank...I didn't even talk about last night's karate class. It was actually fun again. They were there, but it was kind of funny because they were on one side of the dojo, and everyone else was on the other side. Nobody is trying to be deliberately ugly, but nobody wants to be around them any more. They just got on too many people's last nerve. There is a man in our class, and his wife sometimes comes to class with him, just to watch. One day, the man--I'll call them Dick and Jane to protect their privacy--was wearing a...ahem...uh...a protective device under his gi, but nothing else. She was sitting right next to Jane, who is a bit shy and very conservative, and said, "Your husband has a nice @$$, especially when he wears those red underwear." Jane was flabbergasted! Even more so because Dick wasn't wearing any underwear. Anyway, later she told Dick about it, and last night, she asked him if he had his g-string on. He said "No, I don't do that any more." I said, "Awww, now. I hear you have an admirer." He replied, "That's why I don't do it any more."

Once class started, we went over some basics to warm up. Sensei had me go and teach our new student, Sally, shuto uchi. While I was doing that, the green belts worked on kata. Then he had the upper ranks working on kata, and I joined them. He had her go over to teach Sally cat stance, elbow strike. At least that was what she was supposed to be doing. I looked over there and she was teaching her shuto uchi! Made me mad, like she thinks I didn't have enough sense to properly teach Sally the technique! But that's the way she acts, like she thinks nobody can do anything without her telling him what to do and how to do it. The irony of it is, she is the one without any sense.

Anyway, after we ran all our kata--from seisan to kusanku--, sensei split the class up. I don't know what the rest of them did, but the purple and brown belts worked on two man basics. Barrett paired with James, and I taught Barrett the rest of his side of upper body basics. Then Josh came in and we worked on learning the other side. We both sort of knew it, and helped each other figure it out. It was good to work with Josh again. I haven't been able to in a long time because everytime we partnered up for anything she would run and grab onto him. It was also good to do upper rank stuff again.

Finally, when we were lined up to bow out, sensei was making announcements and he mentioned that there will be a rank test for Barrett, Brian, and Cody on the 26th of this month. James started going, "What about Becky? When is she going to test?" I interjected that I wouldn't test for a LONG time. Sensei replied, "It might not be as long as you think." That really freaked me out, because, as you know my next test is for black belt. I don't think I'm anywhere near ready.

Oh great. One more thing to stress out about...


Buck said...

One thing I've noticed in life, Becky: one almost never thinks one is ready for the next level, even when they obviously ARE. I've seen it time after time, in all sorts of different areas, from business to the personal.

Go for it!

Becky G said...

Thank you for the encouragement, Buck. The test won't be that soon in any event. I'll be sure to post about it when I do test.