Saturday, April 01, 2017

Nope, Not Today

When I got up this morning, I said to myself, "When I get off work, I'm going up to Lowe's".

All through the day, I said to myself, "When I get off work, I'm going up to Lowe's."  Lunchtime came, and I said, "When I get off work, I'm going up to Lowe's."  The work day ended, and I said to myself, "I'm off work.  I'm going up to Lowe's."  I got home, changed my clothes, started some laundry, and said to myself, "Maybe I don't really need anything at Lowe's after all."

Needless to say, I didn't go to Lowe's.   Well, there's always tomorrow.  Maybe...

My backup plan was to watch my new movie, but the day was just so beautiful, I couldn't stay inside.  I got out and planted my little front flower bed. 

I put French Marigolds in it.

I need to get mulch down around them -- hence the need to go to Lowe's.  They have mulch on special for $2 per bag.

While I was out there working in the flower bed, I noticed that my third and final Dahlia is peeking out of the ground! 

Yippee!  I was starting to get a little worried about that one.  The other two are doing just fine.

Especially this one.   It is coming along like gangbusters. 

Still haven't seen my freesias, though.  There are a lot of little things coming up in my bed, but not the freesias.  Whatever is coming up must have been seeded by the stuff I'd planted last year.  I got a bit lazy with my deadheading, so yeah, some of it went to seed.

Speaking of last year, Mrs. Newman asked if I was going to plant more of "those purple things."  She meant the angelonias.  I had to go back to last year's blog post to see what they are called, since I tend to forget the proper names of plants, and make up my own versions.  Don't believe me? 

Anyone remember the year I planted chupacabras and agamemnons?

I'll be checking for the angelorums later this month.  I've got a day off on the 19th and plan to do most of my planting then.   In the meantime, I'll be getting the rest of my bed ready.  I bought some more of that stone border to extend the bed that is already there.  I'll be working on that the next couple of weekends. 

After doing all that, I walked around and checked on my roses.  I'd cut them back pretty hard this winter, and they've absolutely exploded.  They're thicker than ever.

And absolutely covered in buds.

When they all finally bloom, it ought to be a riot of color.

Last thing I did before coming inside and settling down in front of the TV was to start digging up some of my spider lilies.  I got the last few clumps that were out in the middle of the yard.  I don't like having stuff out where I have to mow around it.  I ended up with a 5 gallon bucket full of bulbs.  I'm going to send some to my friend Cyndye, but if anyone else wants some, I'll have plenty to share, and I do mean plenty.   I haven't even started digging up the ones by the car port, or the tons and tons bordering my daffodil beds...

Oh, and guess what else I found while digging the bulbs up?

If you said rocks, give yourself a cookie.  You're a winner!  I don't know what it was, but these people that lived here before me loved their rocks.  Seriously, they are everywhere

Well, if I'm going to make it up to Batesville tomorrow, in addition to everything else I need to do on what is supposed to be my day of rest, I'd better get on to bed, or I won't be much good for anything.

Good night. 

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