Monday, January 10, 2011

Snow Day

Well, we didn't have one. We had to go in to work, only about half the plant didn't show up, so we were only able to run two lines. Rod came running up to me and asked me if I'd braze headers for him, because Jake had said we'd run lines 1 & 4. I said of course I would, but then Jake changed his mind and decided to run lines 1 & 2, so I had to go back to my own work area. I'm not so sure that we built enough units to justify the expense of keeping the lights on all day, much less paying everyone. But that's not my call...

I got home to discover that someone had been busy in the back yard.

It was really kind of funny, because I'd somehow managed to convince myself that the snow would all melt during the night last night. I was relieved this morning when I got up to discover that it hadn't.

I'm not sure how much we got. It was 2" when I went to bed, but I didn't check it this morning.

I do know one thing, Rylea has been having an absolute blast in it.

"Can we get some of this every day. Mama?  Please?"


Sus said...

That snowman is hilarious!! Glad Rylea enjoyed herself, too!

Becky G said...

Thanks, I thought so too!

Patti said...

LOL, only in The South would that be a normal snowfella!

Becky G said...

Patch, that was exactly what I thought! Nothing odd about that snowman at all...