Friday, May 08, 2009


After a visit to the doctor, and after him manipulating my hip in various ways and feeling me up good, he thinks it's not my hip at all. He thinks it's a bulging disc that slipped when I bent over to pick up whatever it was that fateful day. That would explain a lot, like why I never felt any particular source of pain. It was just all the sudden there and everywhere at once. It would also explain why it hurts so badly to roll over in bed, even though I try to keep my legs as still as possible. He also said that the pain in the front of my leg was probably my muscles getting sore from me moving awkwardly because of the pain in my hip.

Anyway, he gave me some steroids (I'm keeping track in case I ever want to become a professional athlete), and some pain killers. I haven't taken any of the pain killers yet. They contain a controlled substance (again, I'm keeping track in case I want to become a professional athlete--or a politician). I'm not sure what it is, but I had to show photo ID to pick them up. No, it's not Vicodin. It's Lortabs.

Thanks for all the well wishes and the prayers. I really, really appreciate them.


Opal said...

ouch! feel better soon, becky!

Perpetual Beginner said...

Ouch indeed! I can still remember when my Dad slipped a disc when I was twelve - it took him several weeks to really feel himself again. Take it easy on yourself, and good luck with a speedy recovery.

Becky G said...

Opal, thanks!

Cindy, thanks. I've had a co-worker who went through this. It took her a long time to recover as well. I will be taking it very easy as much as I can. Fortunately, it bothers me less to stand all day, than to sit. Which is why it's good that I have a stand-up job.

Patch said...

Be careful with those steroids too, they can cause their own set of problems, weight gain being one. And you can't just stop taking them either, have to taper off instead.