But first, I have to show you what I did. This is it:

So, what's the big deal? I'll tell you. I made my own pie crust! I've never been able to make a decent pie crust. I was rather proud of this one. And here is the finished pie--pumpkin, of course.

Now, on to the festivities...
We went to B and J's as usual. It was just the four of us, because Dennise's boss won't let them take vacation around the holidays, so they couldn't come. There was lots of food--all of it eggless--

but before we could eat, we had to take the obligatory family photos:

Yes, I did get into some of the pictures, but they are all on B's camera. Well, except for this one when Cody grabbed the camera.

"Don't you take my picture", exclaims B.

The food was all so good, and I ate way too much. Then we played a quick game of charades, in which Cody was perpetually it.

J read the Christmas story from the Bible,

and after a quick prayer for our pastor (who, as you may recall, recently lost his wife of 49 years to cancer), we passed out the gifts.

We kept things real simple, as money is tight for everyone this year. Still, J was thrilled with his LSU mug, and has already drank from it several times.

B loved her
Clapotis and wrapped up in it after the house grew chilly.

"Cool!" Cody seems to be saying, as he looks at his new, wind up radio. With alarm. And flashlight. And siren.

He put his LSU hoodie on and has hardly taken it off since.

And grandma sent him money, which is always a hit.

"Where is my present?" asks Annie.

My gifts were a Grenada Band cookbook and a keyring which holds digital photos--which ironically enough, I didn't get a picture of.
And that was our Christmas Eve. I'm going to bed now, to wait for Santa.
Merry Christmas!