Saturday, December 20, 2008

And So It Ends

This year's holiday baking, that is...

The first order of the day, cutting up the fudge. Actually the first order of the day was washing dishes, but I didn't think you'd be interested in that. On to the fudge...

Next, peanut butter fudge. Cooking the candy

Adding the peanut butter, and letting it set

And I cut up and sugared the Turkish delight

Then the cookie making began!

Stamped cookies



And Scotch Cookies

Accompanying me throughout all this was Rudolph.

Like I always say, if you're too old for Rudolph, you're just too old.



Carol said...

Did you do all this baking on your own? and do you think I can have the recipe for the peanut butter fudge?

Becky G said...

Yep. Just me and Rudolph. The fudge recipe is linked in my sidebar.