Monday, January 01, 2007


I've never been one for making resolutions. I don't believe in them. I do, however, believe in setting goals for myself, and beginnings are a good time to do that, whether it's the beginning of the week, of the month, or of the year. Yesterday, I looked back at my blog for last Jan 1 to see what goals I'd set for myself and how well I'd done in meeting them. I was going to write a whole big, long post about them, but once I got there, I discovered I hadn't recorded any of them!

I do remember posting a list of goals on a drawing forum I used to hang out on, but someone hacked the server back in May, and all posts before then were lost. After the board came back up, most of the older members quit posting, and the board has been completely changed by newer members. It has changed so much that I don't even go there anymore. Before you tell me I should just give it a chance, I did stay for several months. But, somehow, it had just lost its appeal.

But I digress...

So what are my goals for 2007? I've already posted one of them--complete the Stashalong. That pretty much covers my knitting goals. I'm also determined to learn to knit socks.

My martial arts goals are as follows:

  • Return to class
  • Finish learning what I need to know for ni-dan (second degree black belt)
  • Continue to improve on what I have already learned

My goals as an artist:

  • Begin doing my sketches again, after all that was the whole reason I started this blog. I won't try doing a daily sketch. I loved the sketching part, but coming up with something fresh and exciting every day--and finding an appropriate reference photo--got a bit tedious. I will try to do one at least once a week.
  • Continue working through the lessons in Drawing for Dummies, and on Drawspace.

My goals as a person:

  • To spend less time on the computer, and more time living
  • To resume my walks
  • To reduce my credit card debt
  • To deliberately seek instances in which I can show kindness and generosity to others

That's about it.

Cody and I watched the Tournament of Roses parade, but hardly watched any football. We spent most of the day watching M*A*S*H on DVD.

And being the first of the month, it was time to start on the new

My guess is that this one will have something to do with snow since she specified white or cream colored yarn, but I've been wrong before.




Bag Blog said...

I was so tired of bowl games that I made Toby watch a couple of episodes of MASH last night.

Resolutions or goals - either way, I like new beginnings. I may keep the same goals, but I feel like with the New Year, I can take a look, re-evaluate and start again. You have some good goals. Mine always includes diet - yuck!

Becky G said...

We haven't really watched any bowl games, other than the first half of the Sugar Bowl, and part of the third quarter of the Orange Bowl, and bits of the Rose Bowl.

I agree with you about goals. Last year, I actually got chewed out on a drawing forum for starting a goals thread. He said there is nothing magical about the first day of the year, and you can set goals anytime. True, but the new year provides the perfect opportunity to, like you said, re-evaluate and start fresh.

Good luck with your goals. I'll diet for a bit, since I gain about 10 pounds over the holidays. Usually, though, once all the holiday food is gone, the weight comes off pretty quickly.