Sunday, September 01, 2024

Happy Fall!

Happy first day of meteorological Fall, which is the one I follow because meteorology is better than astrology.  

I said what I said.  

And look, I've got spider lilies coming up.  

See, even they know. 

Normally, Labor Day weekend is when I usually put out all of my Fall decorations, but this year, I'm just not feeling it. Oh, I'll get them out eventually, but it'll be a bit later.  I don't know what's wrong with me, but there is a lot I haven't been feeling here lately.  I had so much stuff I was going to get done yesterday, but all I really did was sit and watch football. 

Navy won.  Texas won.  Nope, that's all we care about, though Oklahoma did a nice tribute to Toby Keith.  OK, OK, Ole Miss and Mississippi State both won, too, and LSU plays tonight.  Good thing I have tomorrow off, because I'm watching that game.  

Since we finally had a Saturday off, I got up and went to the Farmer's Market yesterday morning.  I didn't buy much, but I did get a jar of that salsa Brennan had spoken so highly of.  I wanted to see what the fuss was about, and it is pretty good.  I'm not really a salsa person, but I like that stuff.  I also bought some tea cakes and a loaf of homemade bread.   Heh, after eating all that, I expected my blood sugar to be off the charts this morning, but it was only 98.  I'm not sure what I did right, but apparently it was something.

Oh, and I splurged and bought myself a pizza, too.  But at Walmart, not the Farmer's Market.  While I was there-- at the Farmer's Market, not Walmart-- I took a photo of that building that had been destroyed in the storm a few weeks back. 

It doesn't look like they've done much too it, other than fence it off.  It's been an eyesore on our town square for years, and I really hope the owner takes care of it quickly.  I'm not holding out much hope, because like I said, it's been an eyesore for years.  Shame, that, because it was once such a nice building.  It had a shop on the ground floor, and apartments on the upper floors.  They even had little Juliet balconies on the windows.  

Speaking of cleaning, look what I found in my locker. 

Now, that is a blast from the past.  We haven't been Heatcraft in probably 25 years.  They've even changed all of our employee numbers since then, too.  Back in the day, there were three Heatcraft plants here, all owned by Lennox.  Somewhere along the way -- back in the late 1990s if I remember right-- Lennox sold off the other two -- which are both now owned by Modine, but kept ADP.  Since we were no longer Heatcraft, we had to get all new badges.  I don't know why I kept this one, but I did.  I found it tucked away in a little bag I used to carry my inspecting tools when I was an inspector.  That was in like, 1998-1999, so the change had to have come around then. 

OK, enough of that.  So, while I was watching all of that football, I managed to finish this hat. 

Then, this afternoon, I got all of the hats out and washed them.  There are 25 that are ready to box up and send off, only my printer is acting up so I can't print the tags.  I've tried running the cleaning cycle several times, and it's better, but still not quite right.  I'll work with it some more, but I can e-mail the Seaman's church institute and they'll send me some, so that's probably what I'll do if I can't get it fixed. 

And finally, I got Hen-Bit out and worked on her a bit more.  I got her comb and wattle sewn on, but the wattle doesn't look quite right to me.  Good thing I'm keeping her.  Then I got the eyes on, but decided that was enough sewing for the day, and back into the drawer she went. 

Heh, I'd left the long tails of yarn to sew the seams, but like a dummy, I'd forgotten why I hadn't woven them in, and started weaving them in.  Fortunately, I'd only done a little bit before I remembered why I'd left them out and was able to stop myself before doing them all.  

I will get her finished one day.  Just not today. 

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