Tuesday, September 03, 2024

First Day Back

There I was at work, just a working away, when Group Leader Shark came out of the upstairs office and hollered down from the landing, "Hey!  Two O'clock!  Two O'clock!" 

I don't know why they let us go on time, but I didn't argue.  I was out of there.  I thought briefly about going to the lake and walking a trail, but by then, my feet were hurting so badly all I did was come home and watch TV.  

Well, after watering my herb gardens, refilling the wildlife trough, and trimming the dead leaves off of Marty Mac -- my Venus Fly Trap.  Oh, and refilling the hummingbird feeder as well.  I think migration must be starting, because I'm having to fill it much more often now.  

I'd planned on coming home and filming the first vlog about my new piano course, since I'm finally getting to the part where there are real songs, but I was too tired to even do that.  Getting up at 3:30 after being able to sleep in as long as I wanted will do that to a person.  

Maybe tomorrow, but for now, I'll just leave you with a hat progress photo, 

and get myself to bed. 


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