Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Random Thoughts Of A Tuesday Evening

1.  Well, I thought I had some good news for you, but alas, I don't.  

For those of you who have memories like mine, something has been digging in my raised beds, and I think it's squirrels.  I'd done a minute of research and found that they don't like peppermint, so I cut some springs and scattered them around the second bed -- remember that I'd put bricks into the first one.  Anyway, it seemed to work because the next morning, the bed hadn't been dug in.  However, by the second morning, and the third, whatever was digging had been back.  Nearly the whole bed was dug up.  Bummer. 

So, this afternoon when I got home, I rounded up some bricks and small chunks of concrete and put them into the second bed. 

That ought to keep the little buggers out, and may I remind them that squirrel season starts in ...one week.  

By the time I got done with that, I was sooo drenched in sweat I came inside and took my shower while cheering on the coming cold front.  Indeed, it got up to 93° at my work station and yes, I moaned all day about it.  "Come on, cold front!"  I said as my clothes stuck to me.   

2.  I had to order more checks this month.  Seriously, I have one -- one -- bill that I still have to pay by check, and it's a pretty important one.  I've tried to set up an online payment, but they say I don't qualify for electronic funds transfer.  I don't know why.  Every other bill I can pay with an auto draft or I can make a payment online.  Only this one bill am I still over here writing a check every month like a Neanderthal.  

All that to say, I woke up this morning and thought to myself, "Dadgum, it's been three weeks and them checks still ain't got here."  When I got home this afternoon, after my shower, I got online and after running in circles a few moments, found my order status. My checks have been shipped, and were supposed to arrive yesterday.  Hopefully, they'll get here today or tomorrow.  That bill is due Oct 1, and I'm starting to sweat just a bit.  And not due to the temps this time. 

I don't know why I told you all that, but this is my life.  

3.  You know what else is my life?  This:

I'm not sure whether to be proud or a little frightened that I knew that.  Right away, too.  I didn't even have to think about it. 

4.  I watched a mini-series on Prime called A Very Royal Scandal.  It's exactly what it says.  The show has three seasons -- each with three episodes-- about some big scandal in the British Royalty.  Each season is its own story, so you don't have to start from the beginning.   I skipped straight to season 3, which was about Prince Andrew allegedly raping that 17 year old girl.  It was pretty interesting, but like everything else these days, it was absolutely loaded with obscene language.  

5.  I started watching Joey B and That Kid Jayden play against each other, but fell asleep.  I woke up at halftime, and just decided to turn it off.  BTW, I can never root for Washington, but I do like That Kid Jayden. 

6.  There are new seasons of both Halloween Baking Championship and Halloween Wars on.  I have to admit, I'm just a wee bit jealous of those people who just take a pill or a shot, and eat and drink whatever they want when I'm over here trying to control my glucose naturally and giving up everything that makes life worth living.  I haven't had a single piece of candy corn this year.  Normally by this time, I've eaten three bags of the stuff.  Sigh...

7.  Facebook is at it again.  This isn't my post, but seriously?  

What about this violated community standards?  She was thanking people for wishing her a happy birthday.  You've got to do better than this, Zuckerberg!

8.  Fall allergies are in full swing.  Ragweed is in bloom, and I'm coughing my head off.  I think I'm going to get off of here and knit a bit before bed.  Not that that has anything to do with ragweed, but there it is. 

9.  Goodnight. 

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