Monday, September 02, 2024

I Didn't Labor

Oh, I had so many plans for this Labor much stuff I intended to get done, but in the end I didn't do any of it.  Well, not much of it at least.  The only thing I was able to mark off of my list was to wash out my kitchen trash can.  It's been too long, and it was pretty gunked up.  Now it's all nice and clean -- at least as clean as a garbage can can be. 

Then I decided to clean the outside of my kitchen window, which involved taking out the screen.  That was a bear but we persevered and got it done.  Then it was another bear to put back in, but now the glass is so much cleaner than before, I keep thinking I've left the window open.  

I really want to get all of my windows replaced with new, energy efficient ones that I can actually open and close without a struggle, but all home improvements are pretty pricey right now.  I'll likely have to do a few at a time, but once I'm done, it'll be worth it in the long run.

So, what did I do all day?  Well, I didn't labor, that's for sure!  I cast on another hat for the Seaman's Church Institute. 

In the latest Knit Before Christmas magazine that they send out, they'd included a page of gift tags.  There weren't nearly enough, so I made copies of them, and wonder of wonders, they turned out OK. 

Then I spent the next few moments cutting them out and punching the holes.  Now, I just need to write my message and tie them to the hats.  Oh, and the mag said not to use safety pins, which is what I'd used last year.  Oops.  This time around, I'll know better and use scrap yarn.  

And finally, September is usually the busiest month of hurricane season, so I've got my candles at the ready.  

 The Jim Cantore repellent is for any time a hurricane enters the Gulf, and the Trying To Reason is for when I'm in the cone.  I haven't been able to light that one since I got it.  

Let's keep it that way, OK?  

Now if you'll excuse me, I've got some Father Brown mysteries to watch. 

1 comment:

Amnicon Studio said...

I *need* to wash my own windows. I LOVE clean windows. Everything seems so much brigher when you look out them.