Thursday, August 29, 2024

Not Friday

All day long, it's felt like Friday to me, but I don't know why.  Maybe because we have Saturday off, so this is the second to last day of the work week for me.  It didn't help that I went to the store today instead of tomorrow to try to avoid the pre-holiday rush.  I hope I remember to get up and go to work tomorrow.  

While I was there -- at the store, I mean-- I bought some coconut flour to go with the almond flour I bought a few weeks ago.  I'm going to try out some keto cookie recipes so I can at least have some type of cookies for Christmas.  

I've already seen a few recipes that sound pretty good.  Maybe I'll make some this weekend and see.  Not that a few cookies will really hurt, but I wouldn't need the sugar anyway.  I'm not trying to go full on Keto, just cut down enough on the simple carbs that I don't go full on diabetic.  

Speaking of, remember that coffee I bought from Amazon a few weeks ago?  I've been drinking it in the mornings, and it's probably the best tasting coffee I've ever had.  It's so smooth, and not a hint of bitterness so that I don't even need to add creamer.  Just a little stevia and we're all set. 

I was looking for pumpkin spice creamer at Walmart, though, but they don't have it out yet.  When they do get some, I'm going to be good and get the zero sugar kind.  Most of the time.  But look what I picked up instead!

 Sunday is September 1st, and September 1st is the first day of meteorological fall, so I'm going with it.  And the cold front is pushing through right now so it's going to cool off really quickly.  Most importantly, we're getting rain!  I swan my yard was so dry the grass crunched when I walked on it. 

Finally, they got the new lockers in at work, and the contractors have been putting them together.  I walked back and looked at them, and they aren't clear at all.  Only the doors are clear.  The sides and back are solid.  They look like plastic to me.  I hope not.  Those things will tear up incredibly fast. 

I still don't see how they'll stop people from fighting, though. 

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