Monday, September 09, 2024


The first day back at work is never fun, and today was no exception.  Man, when that alarm went off at 3:30, it made me seriously question my life choices.  But somebody has to pay the bills around here and this evil cat of mine isn't out there hustling up a paycheck, so out of bed I got and off to work I went. 

Where the day passed largely uneventfully, and after some of the days I've had lately, that was a welcome respite.  I'd thought I was going to come home and get at least the front yard mowed before that hurricane makes it this far inland, but I didn't.  It was too hot and I was too tired.  Eh, it'll last until the weekend.  

What I did do was to come home and start watching some of the videos for my new piano book, the Faber All In One Adult Piano Course.  I've actually had it for a while, but I've only recently started going through it.  Anyway, the book has QR codes that take you to the videos the author has made, but I found the channel that I'm going through my Alfred's book with -- Let's Play Piano Methods -- has also made a playlist of lessons for the Faber book.  

I hope that paragraph made sense.  I'm so tired, I don't know for sure. 

What it all boils down to is, I'm watching both sets of videos as I'm going through this book.  Honestly, the Let's Play Piano Methods videos are much clearer and he explains things so much better than Mr. Faber does.  He also agrees with some of the things I thought about the book, such as it introduces some concepts way too soon.  Transposing, for example.  If you haven't even learned what the keys are -- remember this is a book for beginners -- then why would you even worry about transposing?  And why would you try to improvise your own tunes when you don't even know what a chord is?  Mr. LPPM says not to worry about any of that until later, so I'm not going to.  

I still intend to vlog some of this, now that I'm getting to the part where we play real songs.  I just haven't. 

OK, moving right along, I finished the hat I'd been working on yesterday. 

I still have quite a bit of yarn left, but I don't think it's enough for another whole hat, so I may pick up some black and make a couple of black hats with a section of this.  Or maybe I'll do stripes.  I don't know yet.  I think it's Mexicana colorway, but I don't rightly remember, and I threw the label away.  

I guess the big news is, I'm finally in the cone once again!

And yes, I do realize I shouldn't sound so excited about that, but I'm far enough inland this storm won't pose a major threat to me.  We are expected to get 2"-4" of rain from it, though, and we desperately need that.  

Best of all, I'll finally get to light my Trying To Reason With Hurricane Season candle for the first time since I bought it.  (Scroll back a few posts.)

And finally, for those of you who don't live along the coast, here's a handy dandy guide to hurricane categories. 

 Now I need to get my hiney into bed.  Good night, all. 

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