Tuesday, September 17, 2024

What Is That?

What is that great light in the sky?  Hark!  It is the sun!  It appears Ol' Francine has finally shaken out the last of her skirts and skedaddled on out of here. It's about time, too.  I thought she'd never go. 

OK, clearly I don't get enough sleep, but seriously, it's been way too long since we've seen the sun here.  I took advantage of it and got the front yard mowed for the first time in about a month.  

I even weed wacked the ditch.  I was going to do the side yard, too, but by the time I was don with all that, I was so tired I was about to fall over.  Remember, I'm doing this after a 10 hour shift in the factory.  So I came inside and took a hot shower, then settled down to watch the new season of Halloween Baking Championship.  

In other news, some of you may recall I got myself one of those compost tumbler about a year ago.  

 The thing about it is, it works great on grass clippings and fallen leaves, and even kitchen scraps.  But the big stuff, like this...

not so much.  

I'd been looking at getting a larger bin, but while I was pondering, I ran across these composting bags. 

Basically, it's a bag shaped tarp with a zip close lid.  It's also got a little flap on the bottom where you can take out the composted stuff while still adding more to the tope.  It got good reviews and was less than $20, so I thought I'd give it a try.  I put some grass clippings into it, and was going to start chopping up the pile of stuff shown above, but nah, that can wait until another day.  I'm tahrd.  

And finally, I finished reading Thomas Jefferson And The Tripoli Pirates, and now I'm reading The Ancient Origins Of Modern Holidays, by Ken Johnson.  I've only just started, but it's supposed to be a rebuttal of all those claims that Christian holidays are actually pagan.  I'll let you know how it goes. 

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