Sunday, September 22, 2024


The spider lilies are in full bloom, and I wish you could see them in person, because this photo simply doesn't do them justice.  

Those yellow butterflies love them, and I wish I could have gotten a photo of one.  They're kind of quick, though.   I did manage to take a few artsy-fartsy photos, and these two were my favorite.

It was kind of hard, because the sun is so bright, I can't really see my phone screen, but I think they turned out OK.  Still no yellow butterflies, though. 

While I was out there, I took another photo of that wire imbedded in the tree trunk.  My lovely markings indicate where the outer edges of the trunk were.  There's just a little bit left showing.  For perspective, when the tree was first cut down, the trunk was 3' across. 

The wire appears to be right in the center.  I wonder how long it had to have been there for that much of the tree to grow up around it, and why was it put there in the first place?  That's a story I wish I could hear. 

In other news, there has also, there has been knitting.  

It's weird, though.  I've used this yarn before, but the last time it didn't stripe like this.  I wonder if they changed the way they dyed it since I bought the last few skeins.   I cast on another hat last night, but there was a knot in the yarn, so it's going to pool a bit differently.  Oh, well, that's what you get when you buy cheap yarn.  I mean, I like it, but it's cheap.  

And finally, if you missed yesterday's post, this is why. 

Please someone tell me, what was deceptive or misleading about Fall decorations and my herb gardens?  I very strongly suggest that if you want to keep reading my blog, you bookmark the site and come here directly, because I'm getting tired of this nonsense.  If it happens again, I won't be linking to Facebook any more.  You will be able to fine me here at Blogspot, on X, and if I start getting enough traffic, I'll post my links to Substack as well.  The post is still here on the blog, though, if you want to go back and read it. 

 Oh, one more thing before I go.  Yesterday was a good day for football.  Texas won decidedly in Arch Manning's first start.  He made some freshman mistakes, but that's why they wanted him to play in the first place -- to get real game experience, and to give Quin Ewers another week to recover.  

LSU won, but I didn't really pay that much attention to that game because Navy was playing at the same time.  Yes, that Navy.  THE Navy who upset the Memphis Tigers!  

More importantly, if they play like they did yesterday, Army doesn't stand a chance. 

Go Navy!  Beat Army!

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