Sunday, September 15, 2024

One Weekend

 One of these weekends, it will be sunny and not too hot and I will be able to get out and do all the things I'd planned on doing on my weekends off.  This was not that weekend, and today was not that day, either.  Yes, it has rained off and on all day.  I mean, not that I had planned on doing much today anyway, it being a Sunday and all, but still.  

On a completely unrelated note, I ordered $100 worth of coffee from Amazon this morning.  I'll tell you about it when it gets here.  

So, what did I do on this dreary rainy day?  Weekend?  I knit.  

I had finished the last hat I was working on -- which I already showed you -- and felt like I needed a break from hats, so I picked this scarf back up and added a few more inches to it. 

I worked on it for a bit, then I needed something more mindless for the football games, so I cast on... another hat.  

At this point, I can pretty much do them with my eyes closed.  Or on the TV screen.  Whatever. 

On another completely unrelated note, I finished reading Black Gold, and am now reading Stormy: Misty's Foal.  

OK, moving on...

If you've been on social media at all, no doubt you've seen this meme. 

While technically it's true--ish-- what most people don't seem to want to think about is, with the cup of melon on the right, you're not just paying for the fruit.  You're also paying for someone to peel and cut it up for you.  If you go buy a whole watermelon, a whole honeydew, a whole cantaloupe, and a whole mango and cut it up yourself, you're going to get a whole lot more fruit for the same amount of money.  

But what about the fries, you ask?  Doesn't someone have to peel and cut them, too?  Nope.  That process is almost completely automated.  There are YouTube videos that show how it's done, if you're interested enough to go look one up.  The point is, it can be done with minimal manpower, unlike cutting melons.  

BTW, I've come up with a new term for those people who mindlessly believe these memes without so much as a single critical thought about them, much less researching them.  Meme Sheep.  

Don't be a Meme Sheep.  Think about these things before you repost them.  The creators of these mems aren't interested in sharing accurate information.  They're going to post what gets them the most likes and shares to boost their page stats.  

Abrupt change of subject.  This is the post that got removed from both Instagram and Threads, because it supposedly incites violence.  

It's very threatening, isn't it. It's still up on Facebook, but I expect that will change soon enough, even though I changed knock to bop.  It's stuff like that why I don't use Meta much any more. 

On yet another completely unrelated note, I love those Devante Adams Taco Bell commercials.  

And finally, about a year ago, I'd bought one of those light traps for bugs.  You know, like the Zevo, only the ones I got were a different brand.  I've had it in the kitchen and it works pretty well, so I decided to get one for my bedroom. 

Bad move.  It doesn't seem like they put out that much light until you're trying to go to sleep.  I had to take it out and move it to another room.  First, I tried putting it into my bathroom, but that wasn't much better.  Now, it's in the living room, and that's where it will stay.  

I guess that's it for today.  There is a new season of Halloween Baking Championship I need to start watching. 


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