Friday, September 06, 2024

First Friday Off

Well, the rain put a damper -- he he-- on my plans for the day, but we needed it so badly, I'm not complaining.   And it's rained pretty much all day, too-- a slow, drizzly rain that really soaks into the ground.  

Instead of painting the fence and mowing the yard, or going walking down at the lake, I stayed inside and watched Merlin, Vera, and Father Brown Mysteries while finishing a letter to my Australian pen pal and knitting on a hat.   

Probably a good thing, because I had some headers yesterday at work that were so awful my whole back and arms are extremely sore.  It was a big order too, and there is that one parts stager who won't split an order to save her soul.  She doesn't like doing all that counting, she says, so she won't divide it up no matter how difficult the parts or how big the order.  We just have to deal with it. 

Speaking of work, it seems to me that they are going out of their way to make our jobs difficult.   The latest thing now is that we can no longer type our employee number into the computer when we're confirming our work.  We've done it for years -- ever since they installed this new system.  It's easy and convenient, since our hands are already on the keypad.  But no, now we have to stop what we're doing, dig out our badges, and scan them.  The real question is why?  What was so wrong with us typing our clock numbers in?  

What was so wrong with me carrying my 54 oz Bubba Keg, for that matter?  Way back in the day, I filled that thing up once every morning, and it lasted me all day -- except for the very hottest days of summer.  Now, with that stupid clear cup we have to carry, I have to go refill it five or six times per day.  That's the trade off.  It's either the big mugs, or employees walking to the ice machine multiple times a day.  

I still don't understand that one.

In other news, a few years ago, I was listening to the radio while I was getting ready for work, and some girl on there was saying that country music is biased against women, because women don't get as much air time as men do.  

Seriously?  The genre that was pretty much founded by a mother and her three daughters biased against women?  The genre of Loretta Lynn?  Of Tammy Wynette and Tanya Tucker?  Of Crystal Gale?  Of Reba, Trisha, Barbara Mandrell, and The Judds?

The genre of Patsty Cline and of course the Queen, Dolly Parton?  

"Maybe if you'd make better music, you'd get more air time," I said to the radio that morning, then went on about my day and forgot the conversation..

Until I was driving to work one more and Delta Dawn came on the radio.

They don't make songs like that any more.  

Maybe if they did, they'd get more air time.  

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