Saturday, September 07, 2024

Beautiful Saturday

It was an amazingly beautiful day today.  If it had been just a few degrees cooler and slightly less windy, you could call it a Robert Spaulding's Wife day.  

As it happened, it was beautiful enough that I managed to get myself moving enough to go walk some Pokémon Go routes out at the lake this morning.  It was such a pleasant morning -- cool, and low humidity, but I thought that wind was blowing like a wooly booger. 

So anyway, I walked the route twice because it was so short and got two route badges from it.  Then I dropped off four Pokémon in gyms, and came on home after that.  I'd thought about driving across the dam, but the wind was blowing so hard I was afraid it would blow me off the top of the levee.   OK, not really, but it was a pretty stout breeze.

After I got home, it was still cool enough to open my French doors and my kitchen window and let some fresh air into the house.   Then I got to work.  It's amazing how much you can get done when you're not absolutely crushed by oppressive heat and humidity.  But I'm sure you don't want to hear about the housework I did, so I'll show you this:  

I got all these hats tagged and boxed up, ready to send off to the Seaman's Church Institute for their Christmas At Sea program.  I didn't use safety pins this time...

Then I finally made a squash casserole out of the squash my coworker gave me a couple of weeks ago, and had some of that for lunch.  But the good news is, while I was getting some onion out of the freezer, I found one more container of that pastalaya Cody made me for Mother's Day!  That's going to be my supper tonight. 

Then I made a chocolate mousse that I found online.  It's really simple.  One cup whipping cream, 2 tbsp cocoa, 2 tbsp stevia, and half a tsp of vanilla.  Whip it until it forms stiff peaks then freeze for a few hours.  It's not super sweet as it is, but I think next time I'll add a bit more stevia.  

And finally, when they'd started clearing the woods behind my house, I'd taken the squirrel feeder down off of the pecan tree behind the fence.  I still haven't decided where to put it permanently, but this afternoon, I set it on the ground out by the back fence. 

 The squirrels have already found it, and I hope this will keep them from digging in my herb beds.  

Oh, and one last thing.  I was watching my friend Marcy's Vlog on YouTube and she mentioned another channel called Honeystead.  She grows a lot of herbs and such, and in one of her videos, she's talking about the benefits of lemon balm.  I made myself some lemon balm tea last night.   That's why I bought the stuff to begin with, but haven't really used it for that.  I've only been drying it and giving it to Cody for cooking.  She also mentioned making a tincture with it.  I need to go find that one and watch it, but right now, I'm about to go heat up that pastalaya and completely destroy my blood sugar levels. 


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