Sunday, September 08, 2024

Sunny Sunday

I hadn't intended to, but this morning it was 58° when I woke up, and what with football on the TV, and the windows open, it felt so much like Fall, I had to put out a decoration.  Just one...this one on my front door. 

It was just cool enough that I needed a light blanket as I sat drinking my morning cup of coffee.  And the coolness made that coffee hit just right.

But, even with the beautiful cool weather, I did not get up and go back out to the lake this morning.  I kind of wanted to, but I knew I'd be feeling it in my legs soon.  Instead, I hung around the house and piddled in the back yard a bit.  

I finally got that Black Eyed Susan planted and put a cloche over her so I don't accidentally mow her down.  

I'm really hoping she comes back.  I know they're perennials, but I don't usually have much luck with those.  Purple coneflowers, blanket flowers -- none of them seem to survive. 

It was so nice outside, I thought briefly about mowing, but didn't because I didn't really want to.  I started digging up these day lilies, but didn't get very far with that. 

There are a bunch of them I need to move, and if anyone wants some free day lily bulbs, just let me know.  Seriously, I've got more than I know what to do with.  I've still got a bucket full of daffodil bulbs I dug up last spring that I need to do something with, too.  

Then there is this.    

It's the only remaining sunflower I have from the seeds I got at my nephew's wedding -- the others having already gone through their natural lifespans.  I really, really hope this one re-seeds itself and I get another one next year.  I think of all of them, this was my favorite. 

The spider lilies behind the house are really coming on, too,  

but the ones along the fence won't come up until later.  I've noticed that the ones in shady spots bloom sooner, though they do well in sunlight, too.  

After that, I came inside and watched a couple of episodes of Merlin and one of Father Brown.  BTW, Sister Boniface has made her appearance, and I can see why she got her own spinoff show.  Now I'm really wanting to start that one, too.  If you take Miss Bates from the version of Emma that stars Gwyneth Paltrow, and mix her with Benedict Cumberbatch's portrayal of Sherlock, you get Sister Boniface.  

Now, I need to get off of here, because the Cowboys game is about to start.  


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