Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Shine On

Shine on Harvest Super Moon, up in the sky!

It's been a tradition since my childhood that we go out and watch the Harvest Moon rise.  I don't know how or why it started, but it's something we always did with my dad.  It's a tradition I've tried to keep up with, but I almost missed it last night.  After all that yardwork, and a hot shower, I was settled in to my chair knitting and watching Land Of The Lost on Tubi.  

I just happened to glance over at the clock and shout to myself, "Oh!  It's time!"  

I'd debated on whether to drive out to the lake again, but decided against it this year, since it was in the middle of the week.  Harvest Moon or not, I still had to get up at 3:30 AM, so I watched it from home.  Just long enough for the moon to clear the trees, then I came inside and had my traditional mug of hot chocolate. 

Even though it was still 90° outside and the air conditioner was running, it's tradition.  

This afternoon, I got one of my chores knocked off the list.  Yep, I took the Incarnation of Evil in to the vet for her annual vaccinations.   I'd booked her appointment for 4:00 PM, but when Group Leader Shark told us we could leave at 2:00, I called the vet and asked if I could bring her in early.  They said I could, so we went right after work.  Wednesdays must be a slow day, because there was only one other person in there.  

The office has a new vet who has joined them, and I'm not sure I like him.  I mean, he gave the cat her shots, but didn't really do a checkup or anything.  He didn't even bring her record into the exam room with him.  I think next time she has to go, I'll request one of the other vets.  

This segues nicely into today's meme debunkeration topic.  Unfortunately, I couldn't find the meme I wanted to debunk.  I've seen it all over FB, but wouldn't you know it, when I want it, it's nowhere to be found.   Anyway, the meme states that mRNA vaccines for animals were banned 50 years ago.  This one is easily debunked, because the technology didn't even exist 50 years ago.  Ten seconds worth of research would have shown you that... 

In other news, I'm about to have an explosion of spider lilies in my back yard. 

 I have a bunch up in the newly fenced in area that I want to move, but I don't know what I'm going to do with them.  Maybe I'll plant them alongside the fence so that the line of lilies goes all the way up to the front.  

I also want to find something to do with this rock. 

I knew it was out there, because I'd seen it out by the fence with just a little bit of it showing.  The fence guy dug it up when he put my new fence in, but I had no idea it was this big.  I think it's cool looking and want to use it as a design element somewhere.  I just don't know where yet. 

I'm thinking of making some sort of little rock garden in the corner and using this as a focal point.  I'll have to look up some ideas on Pinterest and see what I can come up with.   And as always, I'll take you on that journey with me. 

But for now, the only journey I want to take is to bed.  To sleep.  Perchance to dream....


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