Thursday, September 12, 2024

All Good

First up, let me reassure you I made it through the remnants of Francine just fine.  I was at work for most of it, but every time they opened the scrap dock doors, I could see the trees whipping in the wind.  We got a good bit of rain, too.  The official total was 3.75", but I think we got more than that based on how much was in my rain collecting bucket.  

I heard that some people in town lost electricity, but mine never went off.  Other than a bit of low water pressure, we're all good here. 

I’d come home yesterday and finished up my storm prep— which mostly involved moving as much stuff as I could from my small freezer into my deep freeze, then putting four 2-liter bottles filled with water on top of it all, just in case the power went out. 

Probably the hardest part was convincing the cat that she really didn’t want to go outside. I know it looks nice now, but it’s going to be storming before we get up! She didn’t like it and let me know well into the night, but she eventually settled down and went to sleep.

Now I know some people will say I did all that panicking for nothing, but it’s better to be safe than sorry. As Ryan Hall says, don’t be scared, be prepared. Because if you’re prepared, there’s nothing to be scared of.

Well, as you probably know, we lost a great actor this week when James Earl Jones died.  As a tribute, I came home and watched the episode where he guest started in The Big Band Theory. 

 Now I'm watching Land Of The Lost on Tubi.  Funny, you don't realize how cheesy these old shows are when you're watching them as a kid.  

That's about all I have for today.  Maybe something more exciting will happen tomorrow.  

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