Monday, March 23, 2020


Apparently, air conditioning is essential.

New Boss had a meeting with all of us, basically going over the same stuff they went over with us Thursday.  But he also added that the government has declared us to be an essential company, so we won't be shut down during this quarantine.

You know what else is essential?  Toilet paper.  They aren't shutting down any toilet paper factories, so quit hoarding it! 

Some of my coworkers were complaining that they weren't going to shut us down, that it means they don't care about us, but me, I think it's actually taking care of your employees to make sure they're still getting a paycheck.  And frankly, if you're that worried about it, go to HR and take a leave of absence.  Me, I'm glad they're keeping the plant open, because I have bills to pay.  I need my paycheck.  Of course, they seem to be under the impression that if they shut us down, they have to pay us anyway.  I don't know where they're getting that idea, because no they don't. 

By the way, Stalker came in with a camouflage mask and goggles on.  I told my coworker, "I know we've got this global pandemic going on, and people are scared and all, but he looks ridiculous in that get up!"

She laughed and said, "Me and [Other Coworker] were just talking about that.  [Other Coworker] said he looks like a fool!"

Later on, I was talking to one of the maintenance men.  He said he thinks he already had COVID -19.  He'd gone on vacation a couple of months ago.  I forget where he said he went, but he said there were a lot of Chinese tourists there.  Five days later, he was down with pneumonia.  The brazer who works right beside me thinks she had it already, too.  Back in January, she left work, thinking she had the flu.  She missed the rest of the week.  In retrospect, now she thinks she had the virus.  She was sick the same week I was so sick.  I didn't have to leave work, but I was coughing worse than I can remember in a long, long time, and was absolutely drug out. 

That's a Southern expression.  It has nothing to do with drugs, but with fatigue. 

I can't say for sure it was Corona, but it does have me wondering.  The CDC says 85% of people who have it have very mild symptoms, or none at all.  So maybe...and I've read some things lately that make me think it's been here since last Fall.  Back then, they didn't even know what it was, and just assumed it was the flu or a bad chest cold. 

Anyway, New Boss said they brought in a cleaning crew over the weekend, and they disinfected the entire plant.  They used something similar to a bug bomb, in that they set it off and it fills the plant with a dense smoke -- only it's a disinfectant.  It gets into all the cracks and crevices, and kills whatever is in there.  Plus, they're being careful to sanitize frequently touched stuff, like door handles. 

Best of all, we finally got new soap dispensers!

In case you were wondering, that's not mildew on the walls.  It's where the paint has flaked off. 

In other news, my friend gave me a new wrist band.

Her 10 year old son has Down Syndrome.

She said she knew it was a possibility, because she was 45 when she got pregnant with him.  When the doctor asked if she wanted to do the test, she said no.  She said it didn't matter, because whether he had it or he didn't, "this is still my baby." 

As far as I know, I'm the only one she gave a wrist band to.  The other one was given to me by another friend back in October -- which, as you know, is breast cancer awareness month.  You can't see the words, but it says, "They all matter". 

Because they all do.

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