Wednesday, October 08, 2008

You'd Be Proud Of Me

Today was the day for my annual checkup with my allergist. Now, for those of you who may have joined me since last October, my allergist is in Jackson, MS. That's about 100 miles from where I live.

Jackson has a mall. Jackson has a book store. Jackson has a yarn shop. Jackson has a pet store. Jackson has many, many stores.

I don't get down to Jackson very often. In fact, I haven't been since my last allergist appointment, a year ago. Therefore, when I go to Jackson, I usually take advantage of all the places to shop and just go crazy. Not today.

I came out of the allergy clinic and thought to myself, "I just want to go home." So I did.

I didn't go to the mall. I didn't go to the book store. I didn't go to the yarn shop. I didn't go to the pet store. I didn't even go to Burger King. I just came home.

And I didn't end up spending a bunch of money I don't have.

You'd have been proud of me.


Opal said...

Oh good for you to resist such temptation! Clearly you have a strong will. :)

Sus said...

Very proud of you!!! Way to go!

Besides, other than BK (and maybe even that!), you can get just about anything you really want mailed directly to you. ::grin::

Bag Blog said...

I don't know...I'm kind of thinking a trip to the big city deserves a little fun.

Becky G said...

Opal, I'm not so sure it was strong will moreso than lack of money!

Sus, true, but I'm much less likely to make impulse buys when shopping by mail!

Lou, I agree, but only if I have the money to pay for it. I'm much better off this way than if I'd put a bunch of stuff on my credit card and ended up with huge bills that I can't afford to pay.

mornin'lady said...

Good for you Becky! Now I don't feel so bummed about skipping out on Hobby Lobby tomorrow!!!!

Becky G said...

Dawn, great! I'm glad I can be a good influence.

Knit and fall back in it said...

Such will power!! Good for you.