Thursday, October 23, 2008

I'd Better Be Ready

Today was my last class before my nidan test. There are actually three of us testing. One is testing for shodan, and two of us for nidan. Sensei has been working us pretty hard these last few weeks. It was so nice compared to my preparation for my shodan--"go over in the corner by yourself and figure out what you will need to know for your test."

The three of us testing have been leading the basics. Not a big deal for me. I've been doing that since I was a green belt. The one testing for shodan, though, it was his first time. He didn't even know how to count when we started.

We've also been going over kata every class--and not just seisan. We've gone all the way through sunsu. The guy who is head of IKA will be at the test. He is really big on synchronized kata, so we have been practicing that. Personally, I don't like it. I don't feel that I can do my best kata if I've got to worry about staying synchronized with someone else--especially if there is someone from another dojo who might not do his kata exactly the way we do.

The last thing we did tonight was some self defense. We did realistic self defense, too, not just simulated drills in which the attacker doesn't really attack. Sensei picked three of the bigger men in the class to attack us--three on one. It got pretty rough there, but it was kinda fun.

And that was it. That's all the training I'm going to get before my test, so I'd better be ready.

If I'm not, then I won't be on Saturday.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Best of luck with your grading, I hope it all goes to plan for you :)
