Thursday, May 01, 2008

It's Thursday

I woke up this morning not quite sure if it were Friday or Saturday. I lay in bed a moment and realized that it must be Friday because the alarm wouldn't be going off on Saturday. I lay there a moment more and slowly the sickening realization dawned on me:

It was only Thursday.

And the day went downhill from there...


Last week, Buck wrote a post about writing abilities. It was a very good post, and you should check it out, if you're not already one of Buck's regular readers. In the comments to that post, I lamented that I sometimes wished the writing muse would whisper in my ear. Steeljaw Scribe, in a very kind response wrote:


You'd be surprised how much the muse is already talking to you. ( and IIRC from my *ahem* public school education...;) that would be Calliope - the chief of the muses and the muse of epic or heroic poetry)

Each of us has a certain time of the day that our conscious provides the seeds for creative work. For me, early riser that I am, it is in the pre-dawn hours when all is still quiet and the day's chaos lies in coiled wait. When I was on active duty and deployed it was my favorite time of the day to fly or step out on the bridge of the ship and quietly contemplate. The fact that it also coincided with a final chance to shoot the stars for a navigational fix before sunrise always added a nice metaphorical allegory to that time of day.

Others prefer the late night hours as the embers of the day slowly fade - revealing new thoughts, new ideas in their receding glow.

Find one that works best for you, tune back the ambient noise and you will be astonished at the whispered jewels that appear.


He is right. The writing muse does whisper to me, but it would seem that she most often whispers while I'm at work. Yeah, I've known this for a while. My best posts are mentally composed while I am at work. The bad news is, by the time I get home, they've completely vanished from my head.

I thought to combat this by buying myself a little notebook to carry with me and jot down ideas as they occur. It should be working. I get an idea for a post, write a rough draft, rewrite it when I get home and voila! Beautifully written post that inspires awe in my readers.

And now, back to reality. The problem I have with this is that as soon as I get out my little notebook and begin to write-----the boss man cometh. Seriously. It may be that I had not even seen him for hours, but the notebook acts like some type of mystic portal, instantly producing him from where ever he may be. It makes writing kind of difficult.

Now I admit that if I sat at a desk in a cubicle and writing was normally a part of my job, it would be a lot easier to get away with t his. But my job is to run a machine on a factory floor.

Makes writing kind of obvious.

And I know some of you are wondering who in the world I can even hear the writing muse's whispers over all the noise of a manufacturing facility. Earplugs, baby. Earplugs. They are like magic. They are a gateway to a world that is all my own.


Poor Cody has been having a day of nosebleeds. We're up to 4 so far. I have taken him to a doctor about them before, and after doing an MRI on him just to be sure there wasn't anything seriously wrong, he said they are a symptom of Cody's allergies. The hardheaded, er darling child refuses to take any kind of medicine for his allergies. Well, he was trying to complain about his nose bleed, and I said, "I got no sympathy for you. You refuse to take any medicine that will help, so I don't want to hear you complain. "

He is now taking Claritin and NasacortCQ. And without complaint.


Bag Blog said...

My muse speaks in the early morning hours. Sometimes the muse speaks as I am trying to go to sleep. I have been known to reach for a note pad and jot down a thought.

My sympathies are with Cody and his allergies - medicine is the way to go. I have heard that eating local honey helps build your immune system to pollen.

Knit and fall back in it said...

I always thought it was just the voices in my head talking to me, but you are calling it a muse. Hmmm....maybe I should start paying more attention to what they say. :)

Buck said...

The bad news is, by the time I get home, they've completely vanished from my head.

Ah, that's a common blogger complaint, if I've ever heard one! I've tried post-its, but that doesn't work, either. My notes are either too cryptic for me to understand (go figure) or they go missing altogether. Or I wind up with 14 post-its that have ideas that are too old to bring to fruition. {sigh}

My muse is off on vacation somewhere. I hope she's having a great time and comes back well-rested and full of ideas. In the meantime the blog is filled with suckage.

Thanks for the linky-love, Bec. Most appreciated!

And thanks for the laugh, KAFBII!!

Buck said...

Dang. Forgot to mention it's a great good thing Cody reversed himself on the meds.

mornin'lady said...

In my experience when the writing muse speaks to me in her still quiet voice And there is a lack of attention on my part or simply plain old procrastination.She does then slip away for awhile, maybe she's offended by my dishonor and gone to work with you :)
Sorry to read about Cody's nosebleeds we have them here too, same problem. Glad to read he's getting some help though.

Becky G said...

Lou, the muse has spoken to me late at night as well. I've done the same thing--gotten up an an ungodly hour to jot something down.

I've heard that about honey. I tried it, but it didn't help me. Allegra has been my lifesaver.

KAFBII--lol! It sounds so much more refined to call the voice a muse.

Buck, yeah, I know what you mean. I've got some old drafts saved that I wonder if it's even worth it to finish them off. You're welcome, too!

Ah, he hadn't reversed himself totally. He refused to take the Claritin today, but I made him. I had to threaten his very life, but I'm hoping that once he gets to feeling better, he'll realize what a help the medication is.

Dawn, I've had nosebleeds all my life, but never as bad as Cody's. Mine are just a little blood in the tissue. His are running down his face. I had a friend who's son also had nosebleeds. She said he outgrew his. I hope Cody does as well.

Anonymous said...


Thanks for the kind words :)

ob. Work and writing - have you thought about just having Notepad running in the background. When a thought strikes you, pop notepad up, jot a quick bullet or two to serve as a reminder then resume whatever it was you were doing. At day's end, attach it in an email to yourself and send it ahead of you when you leave the office.
I've done that quite frequently at my workplace where they tend to be, shall we say, anal about certain things IT-wise, yet the above hasn't even merited a blip on their screens...

Becky G said...

SJS, You're welcome. That is a good idea--or it would be if I had access to a computer and the internet at work. Alas, I do not, so I have to muddle through the best I can.