Monday, April 28, 2008


I dreamed I was at the dentist. I was going to have a root canal and get one of my bridges replaced. The nurse was going to administer medications to me intravenously. She did this by boring a hole in my vein with a sewing machine needle.

I slept all night, but I didn't sleep well, so you don't get much today. Here's a picture to make up for my lack of words.


Sus said...

Just goes to show you should never leave your dream treehouse. It's pretty nice there. ;)

Hope you rest better tonight!!

Junk Diva said...

Better a sewing machine needle than a knitting needle!!!!!!!

Bag Blog said...

I believe that was a nightmare!

Knit and fall back in it said...

You poor thing, that is a horrible dream.

Buck said...

Interesting dream, Becky... and I agree with Lou: nightmare!

The pic is cool, but methinks the scene didn't smell all that good, eh?

mornin'lady said...

hmm, yes, bad dream. I can see why you didn't sleep well.At least you had something to share with us though hee hee

Becky G said...

Thanks everyone. Yes it was a nightmare. The skin on my arm was still crawling well after I'd woken up.

Buck, It didn't really smell. Or maybe I'm just used to it!

Sus, show me the way to that tree house!

Dawn, that was mild compared to some I've had!