Thursday, April 24, 2008

Eye Candy Friday

Yeah, I know it's Thursday, but most of you won't read this post until Friday.

I took this picture a while back. I was trying to take the daffodils against the blue sky, but the ground was so muddy I didn't want to lay down on it. So I put the camera down, hit the autofocus and tripped the shutter. I did this several times, and most of the pictures are garbage. This one, however, has a certain inexplicable appeal.

I'm using it to fit my photography course's negative space composition rule. The sky, technically a negative space, has become an important compositional element in this photo. In a perfect world....

I stayed late after karate tonight, so this is all the post you're getting.

Until tomorrow.


Buck said...

This one, however, has a certain inexplicable appeal.

Yeah. Kinda like an organic horn section... heralding the arrival of Spring.

Bag Blog said...

The sky gives it a very breezy sort of feeling - and such great color.

Becky G said...

Thank you, both.

Inquiries said...

Nice picture Becky! I checked your blog last evening but missed this.
The picture looks like is should be titled: SPRING!!!!!!!

Becky G said...

Thanks Ashley, and we will title it just that.