Thursday, August 17, 2006

Getting Ready

I spent the evening getting all my paperwork ready for my mobile home loan. As proof of income, they wanted to see my last two tax returns. I have a folder in my file cabinet that I have all that stuff in. I have tax returns all the way back to 1990. Except for 1994. I searched all over for my 1994 tax return, but it wasn't there. I finally found it. Under a stack of snake books. Fancy it being there.

I skipped karate tonight, too. My stomach is really tied in knots. It kind of feels like when I eat something I am allergic to. I can't think of anything I ate that was new or different, except a burrito. Those aren't completely new, but I haven't had any in a long time. Hmmm.... Maybe I should take a Benadryl before going to bed.

Cody and I have been watching the show America's Got Talent. Normally, I'm not too fond of talent competitions, because I think they are self limiting. There are many types of talents that don't present themselves well on stage. It's pretty much limited to singing and dancing, and maybe a magic show or two. Some people have a talent for painting, but how do you present that in a two minute stage performance? Or a talent for writing?

There were some really varied acts in this series, but I'll lay odds that the winner will be--you guessed it--a singer. I"ll let you know who wins.


Buck said...

I spent the evening getting all my paperwork ready for my mobile home loan.

This should be a piece of cake, compared to all the other rigamarole you've had to endure! How long until you take delivery, after your loan is approved?

Lizzie Woolley said...

Thanks for visting my blog and offering advice, Becky.

I think I've seen America's Got Talent. I thinks it just one of those stupid summer T.V. shows.

Becky G said...

Buck, yes that was the easy part! The home should be here and set up in 10-14 days. I can't wait!

Lizzie, you're welcome. I hope things work out for the best for you.