Saturday, July 01, 2006

Saturday Sky

While randomly searching for knitting blogs, I stumbled across this idea. Sounds great, so here is my first post for

This was taken around 7:00 PM, as it was too hot to go outside any earlier. To wit:

My personal thermometer read:

It was so hot I didn't even let the dog go out. She was rather upset with me because she prefers to spend her days outside. But it was too hot even for her. According to the weather channel Desktop Weather program, it is now (at 7:30 PM) 93' with a heat index of 97'.

What I did, then, was watch DVD's and knit this:

This was made from a bit of the leftover yarn that had been my grandmother's. I originally made it in an adult size, but it ended up too squatty looking, so I frogged it and redid it in toddler/small child size. I'm almost done knitting up the partial skeins, then it'll be time for the big pattern search. That is, finding patterns that appeal to me and require the amounts of yarn I have.

Oh, I should probably explain what I was doing home all day on a Saturday. The plant, for some unknown reason decided to give everybody the weekend off! We also get the 4th off, but have to work Monday. I don't know what we're going to do for the 4th. My cousins--the only family I have here--always go to a family reunion over the 4th of July. That's the family on her father's side. I'm kin on her mother's. That's why I don't go.

In addition to knitting and movies, I fed three snakes and did a bit of housework, but who wants to hear about that?

Only 14 days until my black belt test. I'd better get to working out...


Buck said...

Yow! I can only imagine the heat, although I can imagine it well! (previous MS experience, and all that) We've had a bit of a break while all y'all are getting slow-roasted. Our highs have been in the mid-80s to low 90s of late...a welcome change!

Nice pics, btw!

Becky G said...

Yeah, we're getting a break as well. It's only been in the upper 80s to mid 90's the last few days. Only 5 more months until winter!