Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Personnel Inspection

Navy basic training, Orlando Florida. May thorough July 1989

One of my company commanders was conducting a personnel inspection of another company. While inspecting uniforms, she noticed that one young man seemed to have something in his front pocket. This is strictly against the rules while in basic training.

"Recruit, what is that in your pocket?" she asked.

The young man seemed a bit flustered, but didn't otherwise respond.

The CC put her finger against the bulge created by object in the young man's pocket, and asked again,

"Recruit, what is that in your pocket?"

The recruit became increasingly more uncomfortable, but still didn't respond. The CC tried one more time,

"Recruit, what is that in your pocket?"

emphasizing each word by poking the bulge firmly with her finger.

"That's me, Ma'am!"


Buck said...

And the company commander's response?


Becky G said...

She turned a deep shade of purplish red and had to retreat to the office for several moments before being able to continue with the inspection.

I, unfortunately, was not there to witness this, as I went through basic training before the big co-ed experiment. But I heard this story from multiple sources and believe at least the basics to be true.