Monday, July 24, 2006

About Self Defense

When learning self defense, it may seem dull and repetitious, and yes, downright boring going over and over the same moves again and again. But it is vitally essential to do this.

It is easy to break a hold when it is done slowly and without much force. It is easy to decide what to do when nothing is on the line.

It's a completely different story when it's your life you are fighting for . When you are grabbed for real, all those carefully planned moves go right out the window and you are just scrambling for techniques that work. When your life is at stake, you'd better hope you've retained enough of what you've learned that you can do something. Anything.

There is an old saying that goes

You never rise to the occasion. You sink to your level of training.

It is sooo true. So train hard.


Anonymous said...

Well Said Becky! I really like this post. It is short, but rings loud and clear. I learned recently as well that repitition should be invited more so that new material - or more often anyways. All new equals none retained.

Keep training and enjoy being a baby black belt! I'm still one myself, so thank you for sharing the journey with me.


Miss Chris said...

Learning self defense is my favorite part of karate because it enables me to have a confidence about myself that I've never felt before.

Becky G said...

Thank you Sunshine.

Miss Chris, It seems to me that many women get involved in karate specifically for the self defense. Like you, it is one of my favorite parts, but I also feel it is one of my biggest weaknesses. I wish we spent more time on it in class. Must drop hints to sensei...

frotoe said...

That is so true ~..."you sink to your level of training".. Its kind of a scary feeling. I always wonder if I were in a situation where I needed to use my self defense training, how natural would it come to me? I don't feel at all like I could "rise to the occasion". But then again, who knows? I hope I never have to find out.