Wednesday, May 03, 2023

Wiped Out

Man, I'm totally wiped out!  I came home after work and mowed -- just the front and the side yard, though.  Then I weedeated.  I'm telling you, me and my weedeater do not get along.  At all.  Before it was all said and done, I was telling it I hated it in French.  But I persevered and got the job done.  Good thing, too, as it's supposed to start raining sometime Friday evening, and well....just see for yourself. 

On a completely unrelated note, I bought some iced coffees last Friday.  I do that every so often, especially if I have an ibotta rebate for them.  Anyway, these were two new flavors and I wanted to try them.  I was going to take one to work Monday, but as you can see, I decided at the last moment, I'd rather have hot coffee. 

I hadn't even fixed the coffee pot, so I had to do that in a hurry.  It was worth it, though.  

By the way, I got my planter outside and filled up with soil Sunday, but still haven't made it into town to buy anything to put into it.   I keep saying I'm going to go after work, but then stuff happens and I don't.  I was going to go Monday, but something happened that I don't want to talk about here, and I just didn't.  Nothing happened to me, but well...someone important to this community died.  Even though I didn't know him personally, he was well respected. 

Then I was going to go yesterday, but it was 5 & 2 day, and The Chosen was doing a livestream and offering big discounts in the gift shop...and I spent way too much money.  I was going to go today, but decided I needed to get the mowing done.  I won't go tomorrow, because by then, I just might as well wait until my regular shopping day on Friday.     

Oh, by the way, this is your homework assignment.  See this plant:  

This is plantain -- not to be confused with the banana-like fruit.  Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to go find one of these plants.  Make sure it's from a safe source, as in it hasn't been sprayed with pesticide or herbicide.  Plants away from the road are best.  Pick one of the small, tender leaves from the center of the plant, wash it off and taste it.  

Oh my goodness that stuff is so good!  I've been trying to kill it off for years, and here I've had the tastiest salad right there growing wild in my back yard.  It can also be cooked, but I haven't tried it cooked yet.  

And finally, I finished this hat, 

and cast on another with the same yarn.  Which I will now go and work on.  


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